Chapter 006

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So I decided to go and rob some food from Wilbur. "He won't mind if I steal some food." I say nonchalantly. I went around the house and found the kitchen with a Wilbur cooking already.

"Hey Wilbur,what you doing up so early."
"Mya it's ten." He responded. "Oh, oops."
"I'm sure your hungry so I made some food."
He places the plate of food on the small table nearby. I sit down and nom on my food while placing a couple pieces of it in my inventory. While eating Wilbur watches me but I don't think anything about it cause I'm too hungry to care.

I finished my plate, I stood up to go clean my plate but Wilbur took the plate from my hands. "Don't worry about the plate." He said. " Oh.. ok, thank you." I waited for him and we both went out and headed to the Van. The rest were already in the van. "Hey Mya meet Eret, Eret meet Mya!" Tubbo said in a joyful tone.

"Hello there." I say as we both shake hands. "Nice to meet you too."
"Alright now we must prepare in case they decide to do anything. So everyone will be assigned jobs. Wilbur explains. "Oh I got a letter from Dream and I haven't read it yet so I will read with you all." Wilbur cleared his throat and started reading.

"Tommy, Wilbur and the rest of the L'childberg cre- "CHILD we're not children!" Wilbur didn't even read a sentence and Tommy already interrupted. Wilbur gave him a stern glare and Tommy shut himself up.

Wilbur read where he left off. "We are at war, there is no mercy, we have burnt down Tubbos house. We have planted TNT cannons around your land, we have cobblestoned walled the outside and we have shot one warning shot inside your walls. We will kill everything inside your walls. And we will take back our land that is rightfully ours, If you do not surrender. I want to see white flags, white flags outside your base at dawn by tomorrow or you are DEAD.

Everyone's eyes widen as well as mine. "Well he was dramatic as hell." I say out loud really bluntly. "Pfffft!" Tommy tried to hold his laughter but some of his laugh came out. Tubbo giggled slightly. Wilbur smiled but said " Guys we have to be serious about this." We all nodded.

"Well who's gonna do what? So I can get started." I ask "Well your an eager one aren't you?" "You all will be in groups of two. So Tubbo, Fundy, you guys will be making potions and healing items. Tommy and Mya you will be mining for resources. And Eret you'll be with me." "Any questions?" He said at the end.

Tommy's face instantly turn into anger. "Why do I have to be with her?!" Tommy says yelling. My face twists in a face of grimace from his yelling since he was right next to me. "Tommy I put you guys together so you can get along with her." Wilbur says calmly as if this is normal.  "Yes Sir.."Tommy says while growls slightly. "C'mon let's go" he says while walking out the van. "H-hey wait up!" I say while running after him.

I catch up and he hands me a diamond pickaxe from a chest which is much better then my almost broken iron pickaxe. "This my last diamond pick so don't break it." He says as we walk down a stone staircase into the mines. I see multiple strip mines on either side. We head to the end of the hallway of strip mines in silence.

I decided to end the awkward silence and speak up.
"Why do you hate me so much?"

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