Chapter 3

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It has been 6 months since me and my family moved to new york city and its been a blast.

Maisy came back from europe and mitsy was over the moon. I found maisy in a child trafficking ring that me and few agents were dispersing. When i saw her I could not leave her alone. So I took her home with me and my family immeadiatley fell in love with her. Maisy and mitsy instantly connected. This was all 5 years ago. Maisy knew she came from paris france so she always takes a trip there to find out who and where she came from.

Things with carter corp are going great. Matt and lisa are the best people I could ask for. I told them about overwatch and whats its about and how im involved with government, about my status in the supernatrual world and about nevera and my whole teenage hood.They were in utter shock but they stuck with in the end and they love nevera and my family. But matt was utterly impressed with my family's love for music. He told me that the alpha who's name is colin would love the musical energy we give off.

My cousin talia was able to open up her hospital. Talia is not Your regular doctor. She studies and makes medicine's That I though wasnt even possible.  Not to mention Her hospital is huge like castle huge. Me and my fam has our own hospital room on the top floor because....well....lets just say were regular patients and I mean regular.But we thank her either way. I have certified doctor and nurse training and if I wanted to I could become a doctor too but I belong in the field and thats were im gonna stay.

Currently im in a concert hall waiting for matt. He told about how one of his buddies came back from a trip and how they were giving a concert.While im waiting for matt I have a drink at the bar.I blocked out my mate bond while in this hall full of people. Spirit wolves have the ability to stop there mate bond from flowing, basically it means that The spirit wolf will know who there mate is but the mate wont know.I blocked out mine to be cautious,dont want to be mated to a bad person, I want to check them out first.

Matt:"hey princess!" Matt comes to me ignoring my annoyed glare.

Me:" hello matty your late!" I spat while glaring at him but he just keeps smiling.

Suddenly a tall blond austrailian sufer looking dude comes up to us.

Adam:" Heya matt nice to see ya dude....oh hello there ms.alpha"  He catches me off guard when he says "alpha"

I sniff the air realize he is also a wolf and also that there are a alot more wolves in the hall. I look at him not knowing what to say still in shock. He chuckles.

Adam:"dont worry your safe here. nobody in this room is stupid enough to challenge an alpha. And also im the other alpha's beta" He says making sigh in relief.

Matt:" you said you need me to help right?"

Adam:" yeah dude my little sister brought some friends so she wont be able to help us" he says a bit annoyed but smiles anyway.

Matt:"alright dude I'll help, follow us princess"

I nod and follow them back stage. we walk a little when I suddenly catch the smell of another alpha. I turn my head to follow the smell and.....I let a gasp at the sight. Nevera,lilly,mielae,maisy and mitsy are walking along the owner of the scent but...there's another.....Mate!

Ocean:" can somebody tell me where my idiot brother is?!"  Ocean says.

Ocean is milae's best friend and girlfriend. Mielae's was 11 when she came out to us, but we all had already noticed the signs. When ever somebody would mention marriage or kids mielae would always get uncomfortable because it always involved a man. But when gay marrige was mentioned she would always be calm and some times even smile about it. Mielae met ocean through school since nevera sometimes still goes. But thats not really what im focused on.

The man in the middle of all the girls is an alpha. He is 6'7 and very and I mean VERY muscualr. He long navy blue hair almost black, Leather cuffs on both wrist, black ripped jeans with 2 belts and a chain on the left, and black biker boots. But my question is WHY IS HE SHIRTLESS?! That is the most toned and beautiful 8 pack I have ever seen and to finish it off Those blue eyes that are the color of the ocean. nevera is the one to speak first.

Nevera:" Mom?!" She exclaims.

All eyes turn to me.

Adam:"Wait what?! your nevera's mom?!" he exclaims suprised.

The man who is my mate turns to then nevera probally seing the recognition between our faces. The differences is nevrea dyed her hair black but the ends of it are pure white and her skin is a bit darker then mine's. My hair is chesnut red and goes all the way down to the edge of my butt and the ends of it are dyed platnium.

Colin:"hi my names colin"He holds his hand out and immeaditaley shake it.

Me:" Hi my name is ariel" I say in a voice much more quiet then I usually use.

Nevera gives me a smirk already knowing what going on with me while matt gives me a confused and a little worried of a look.

Colin:" So your nevera's mom?" I nod at his question.

Me:" yeah and mielae is my sister, mitsy and maisy are my nieces, and ocean also like my sister" as soon as I say that she gasped and then she jumps on me and gives me a big hug.

Colin:" Im also gonna guess that Your the alpha that im also gonna be merging packs with?" I nod again.

Nevera is chuckling along with the rest of the girls. They know exactly whats happening. But then something hits me.

Me:"Hey what are you girls doing here? Let alone back stage?"

Ocean:"oh! sorry adam is my big brother" she gives him a slightly irratated and annoyed look.

Things are Tuff between ocean and adam from what I heard. She is angry at adam because he is never home and he sleeps around more then he needs too. But really she is also just worried about her brother.

So she stays over in mielae's room some times.Which is more then normal as of the last few weeks of this month. But I accepted into our family and so did everybody else.

Colin has been staring at me for the past few mintues while matt and adam were loading things into the hall. I was about to and talk to him when suddenly a girl a few inches taller then me blows in and rushes to the bar. Her motorcycle helmet falls off the bar counter making a bunch of loud clutter then the girl turns to me.

Doris:"what the fuck are you looking at?!"

I give her a deadly glare. I can tell this gonna get ugly....

* Alright so colin finally appeared and things are starting heat up! The big events are coming so be ready!"

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