Chapter 5

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My heart is pounding so hard because the man who does not know he's my mate is walking towards me at this very moment. I look away and try and focus on something else, my daughter for example. She's taking pictures and little snapchats for her social media pages. Oh did I forget to mention that me an nevera are big social media stars which includes: tik tok,youtube,instagram,snapchat,and triller. Im so engrossed in my thoughts about me an nevera that I jump about 3 feet in the air when colin taps me on the shoulder.

Colin:"whoa you okay?!" He ask me immeaditely becoming concerned. I nod.

Me:" Yeah sorry I didnt see you coming" What a big liar I am!

He chuckles already getting lost in my eyes. I also get lost in his pale blue irisis that look like calm waters.

Colin:" So...did you like it?" I look at him a little confused.

Colin:" The concert" I immeaditely nod my head.

Me:" You were AMAZING! I have never heard somebody sing with so much energy and emotion. The way the crowd reacted to your voice was crazy. And how you spoke through your words it was crazy!" I had started babling but then stopped when I noticed his astonished and suprised look.

Colin:" Nobody has ever noticed how I spoke through my words or what emotion im using" I smile shyly.

Me:" I love music to the point where im always studying the forms,genres, and the emotions in the music" He smiles and his eyes have clear admiration. That when matt decides to speak up.

Matt:" seeing as my friend here has caught your intrest did you know she plays piano and electric guitar?" Colins eyes litterally bug out of his sockets and I let out a deep sigh.

Me:" Those aren't the only instraments I know how to play I just play those 2 more frequently but I dont have an electric guitar at the moment because its broken...." I say in a angry but also sad voice.

Matt doesnt say anything because he knows why its broken. My ex-boyfriend samuel...well I shouldnt even call him a boyfriend because he was an ass from the start. I dated him when I was 18 and I stayed with him till I was 20 and those 3 years was just a waste of time. A few months after we started dating he started acting suspicous and I knew that he was cheating. I went to confront him about it after 1 year and the reaction was not at all what I had expected. He hit me but I knew how to fight and I immeadiately fought back but sometimes he got the drop on me and I would be covered in blood,scars,cuts, and deep purple bruisess. When I left VA he was pissed and especially when he couldnt find me. But one day when I was unpacking music equipment, my electric guitar included, at a music venue, he found me and I didnt see him coming with is how I eneded up on the ground clutching my head. Then I heard smashing and when I looked up my guitar was in pieces. He was about to lay into me more when matt and my dad showed up and beat the crap out him and I blacked out. I woke up in the hospital 3 days later and found out that he was going to prison for awhile but sadly my guitar was gone.

Im so absorbed In my dark thoughts when I felt somebody gently shake me. I snapped out of it to see my friends all crowded around me. I also noticed that im in a different room. I look to nevera only to see her face stainded with tears. What could happen to make my daughters pretty face look so distressed?

Me:" What happened?" what up with my voice?

Nevera:" You blacked out when you were talking about your guitar" she says while handing me a bottle of water." you were out for 3 hours" I chok on my water when she says that.

Me:" huh?!" She nods confirming. When colin comes up to me.

Colin:" You scared me when you almost fell to the floor thank god I caught you in time" I give him a little smile.

Me:" Thank you colin" We almost get lost in each other's eyes when nevera gently clears her throat.

Nevera:" I called tuki turns out she was here in the venue when You passed out so she can drive your car home"

Me:" yeah I should probably get home and take some medicine since I didnt drink that much" Colin still looks worried. "I'll be fine colin dont worry"

He nods and help's me up. I take notice that Doris is glaring at me. He helps me to my car were tuki is waiting for me. As soon as she see's me she rushes towards me and crushes me in a hug.

Tuki:" I was so worried when I heard you collasped"

Me:" Dont worry Im okay" I turn Around to colin " Thanks for everything you did amazing tonight....I....I hope We can meet up some time"

He nods. I get up on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek and wave goodbye.

*Well would you look at that! okay guys this isnt for sure yet but this story might also go up on webnovel I dont know yet but I will keep you all updated*

The musical warrior and the totured metal headWhere stories live. Discover now