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Welp! my as well get into it so lets start, Hi my name is ariella startcast-tusiniko. I have a big family of 11 siblings well 13 including my parents. And im going to admit my life is pretty exciting in some aspects but very gloomy in others. For example im a 23 year old women with a 13 year old daughter and a deceased baby. How did happen? well let me share from the begining. My family may look like some very rich family from the outside and I will admit we are. But on the inside its much bigger then that. My fathers is hades king of the under world while my mother is a senior guardian of spirit wolves. But actually she herself is an elemental spirit wolf (Basically she is not just a wolf she is a fairy who is half wolf) When they found out they were mates the world we came from went up in chaos but they overcame everything and had us. And by us I mean my 10 siblings.

Family tree:
Ariella startcast-tusiniko (me)
1.Harleyia startcast-tusiniko ( ariels twin)
Murdoc black( harley's husband of 4 years)
2.Niecy starcats-tusiniko
marco montonez (niecy's husband of 5 years)
3.Alexia starcat- tusiniko
4.Maria starcast-tusiniko
5.Joadie starcast-tusiniko
6.Cassynova starcast-tusiniko
7.Mielae starcast-tusiniko( she is the youngest out the siblings)
8.Jason starcast-tusiniko
June moon( jason's girlfriend)
9.savanah starcast-tusiniko
jason derulo( savanah's boyfriend)
10. haku starcast-tusiniko
11.dakoata starcast-tusiniko
So yeah thats a very big family tree including everybody's husbands,wives,girlfriends,boyfrineds,ect. But dont even get me started on the amount of friends we have. But that will come later on lets continue.

My aunt rosalina starcast-tusiniko( btw her real last name is just starcast but she changed because her sister asked her too) she grew up training and saving supernaturals and regular humans but she noticed no matter what it would always become worse so she thought up of a big but kinda secret government orginization called overwatch. Its a make up of supernaturals, scientist, warriors, mechanics,ect. she has been working on it since she was 9 and throughtout the years its has come together, and now there are overwatch bases in some parts of every continent, even underwater.( i will explain it later on in the story). And i had the same asperations as her and i started training since i could walk but besides overwatch i love to get into music as much as i can. But back to the main part of my story what me and my family do is dangerous and it will have consequences.

Me an my family where relaxing and celebrating a peace treaty signing with a orginization in another continent and that day was the day my daughter was concived. Me an my siblings were heading to bed when suddenly glass started breaking from every window, door were broken down, men dressed and all black with sniper rifels in hand blast into the house. my uncles and aunts and my parents started fighting them while me and siblings fought them off while trying to get to the safety of our rooms. I was almost to mines but one of them grabbed me and i screamed for help but they didnt just get me they got harley,savanah,and joadie as well. we where dragged from our hous and thrown into the back of the van and it drove away........

* Hello everybody i am all new to this writing stuff but i will continue and try and meet ur expectations also another warning the introduction is gonna be a little long but i will try an make it as short as possible. There is no update schedule for the story but i will be constantly updating the story okay eveyrbody good bye for now*

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