The top Assassin

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*You and Five both look 18 in this book*

Five Hargreeves, The name has been all around the commission and now he is my new partner just because of my stupid 1948 case going a bit off track. Most people would be proud to get such an important worker do a case with them but me, I was pissed. I could easily do my missions without a partner! Who did they think I was, a rookie? Don't get me wrong Five is probably a good guy- as far as assassins go- but I do not want nor need a partner.

"Y/n dear I have your new partner" There she was the Handler herself. "Now play nicely your last case has got you a bit of attention from the board" I give a sharp chuckle.

"In my defence, he was about to spill your secret to the enemy" I don't even need to look up from my book to know shes frowning.

"You were also about to kill the enemy so he wouldn't know either way! Traitor or not you have to bring him in not shoot his head nine times!" I finally look up to see Fives shocked face and roll my eyes "Anyway I expect you to treat Five with a little more respect seeing as you two are the same." What? Does he have powers too? He clears his throat and sticks a hand out for me to shake

"Stick it up your ass" The Handler rolls her eyes at my rudeness but Five studies me as if I'm a challenge.

"Just grab the briefcase and leave." I roll my eyes again "Roll your eyes one more time and I'll blow them to pieces along with your head" I see her hand reach for a gun but I'm faster pulling out a dagger from my sleeve. 

"Oh, you'll blow my eyes? How would little L-" She quickly puts a hand to my mouth trying to remind me who's boss. I grab the briefcase with Five but not before taunting he one last time "Now I know your secret."

Why didn't she want me to say Lilas name? We always talk about her. What is she keeping from me? Why is Five so important to her? Did she pair us because we're the best of the best or because we were the same? Has he been seen the apocalypse? If he has can I really trust him? Five rudely interrupts my thoughts by asking

 "So what really happened to your old partner?" I roll my eyes not looking at him "You don't have to be so closed off Jesus" He can talk. I bet he only speaks when throwing a snarky remark or to say he's better than everyone, maybe we are alike.

"I don't see how its any of your concern Hargreeves" I look up at him and let go of the briefcase  walking up to the motel reception "We have reserved rooms for Mr and Mrs Hargreeves." As the receptionist puts a key down and looks at Five. I can see that look and he better not-

 "Are you her handler?" And he did it! The 1900s are messed up I can't even get my own room because I'm not 'manly' enough! I should slit his throat right now.

"At least tell me there are two SEPARATE beds." He looks at me as Five wraps an arm around my waist giving me a 'you're pushing your luck, stop being suspicious' look. Not even waiting for him to answer I give him the biggest fake smile and grab the key.

"You better punish her. Shes stepped out of place now make sure she can't step at all" That's it! Five holds me back as I try to attack him "Oh feisty little girl, She must be fun" Oh I'll show him fun. Wait, wheres my knife? I turn to see Five smirking that sly dick!

"Yeah, she is, in fact, were going to go" Five winks at him and I glare at the guy. When we get back to the room I finally look at Five.

"God the 1900s are fucking shit! I'm one of the deadliest assassins in the timeline I should've slit his throat right there!" I was about to rant my heart out when Five and I hear a voice.

"Could it be- Someone finally tamed The Dark Mistress?" Five gives me a confused look but I couldn't bring myself to look at either of them. "The Y/n I knew was a rebel nobody could tie her down not even her own brother" I ignore Fives glares still "That's right I didn't die Y/n! And unlike you, I'm not a freak I relied on skill to get me through life and after you trapped me here I started to plot my revenge and now-" "Arthur I didn't trap you here-" I try explaining but its no use "Arthur? Who's Arthur I am Doctor Adaption and you are going to pay for what you did." What is with the villain names? Is Arthur going crazy? And why does he look 10?

Arthur pulls out a gun pointing it at me. He was right about one thing even my own brother won't stop me from being the best and with a flick of my wrist every painful memory he has ever had started flowing through his mind making him drop his gun. I walk over the only sounds were the clicking of my boots and Arthurs crying.

"Please Y/n- " I cock the gun aiming it at his head "Mercy, please" I don't know whether he was crying from the painful memories or the fact that his meant to be younger sister had a gun at his head.

"I'm sorry Arthur but life isn't like the movies there are no supervillains and there is no mercy either, you threatened my life now I take yours" And with that, I pull the trigger putting him out of his misery.

"Well, that was deep. Now for the mission" Oh shit I forgot Five was here. I give a small sigh before waving my hand at Arthurs dead body, If it wasn't for my powers Five and I would have had a lot of explaining to do. "Clive Ranton former lawyer got Victor Petrelli out of jail for murder. Turns out he murdered someone from the Commission are job, kill them all" I smile. But was getting a bit distracted by how cute Five was, one of my many life problems is that when I'm sad I get flirty.

"You know you're kinda hot when you are trying to think." He looks surprised "And that jawline! You could cut someone with it it's so sharp" Now he's smirking.

"This is not the right time to flirt-" "Why not? Am I not good enough? Not pretty enough?" "No, it's not that it's just I thought maybe you would want some time to mourn over Arthur" I smile. How considerate of him "This is my way. But if you really don't want to" He grabs my wrist pulling me into his lap "I never said that"


And at that sentence, his lips crashed into mine. The kiss was soft and gentle at first but then he started kissing harder and harder. He pushes me into the bed trailing my neck with soon to be hickeys. I let out a little moan as he finds my sweet spot my hands find themselves shooting up to his hair.

"Like that Darling?" I moan as he bites down on my neck "Words Y/n Words"

With shaky breaths, I finally reply "Y-yes D-daddy" He smiles and we stop kissing

"Get some sleep we have some fun assassinating to do tomorrow" I laugh using his chest as a pillow "You aren't as bad as I thought Hargreeves" He kisses my forehead "I could say the same Y/L/N"

A/N: Hey guys! I have a feeling nobody's going to read this but I'll add it anyway! This is no longer my book but is now a friend of mines he doesn't mind writing anything but does need ideas so feel free to comment! Word count: 1403

-Author out✌️

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now