Aidan Gallagher X Reader

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*The picture is what you're wearing. The show Is not real and the cast are just actors I like and imagine them around the age of 30.*

I was a little bit nervous for today because I had a double interview. One was with my friends from How a murderer gets the girl where I play Missy and the other with my friends from The Umbrella Academy where I play Eight. 

"Y/n we need you on set!" I quickly finish up my make up and sit beside the cast. I see the Umbrella academy cast smiling and watching me. "Okay ready in three two and..." Then he pointed at us.

 "Welcome to The tonight show starring me Jimmy Fallon we're here with the two main characters of How a murder gets the girl introducing Will Smith who played Jack Dynamite and Y/n Y/L/N who played Missy Wentworth. Could you two tell me how you felt trying to pull off these characters?" I look at Will to go first.

"Well my character was a little bit crazy along with his brother so I had to drop most of my sanity and just say whatever came to my head and looking back on the experience it was kind of relaxing to be able to get stuff off my head. I don't remember one scene where at least one of us didn't change the script, for example, Y/ns saying "Piss off you savage caveman!" When she said that to us it took a lot to not laugh but the whole experience was amazing and filming with this two was a fun experience." I smile at his comment.

"What about you Y/n?" I take a deep breath.

"Playing Missy was hard at the start cause she was so innocent and the show was not even close to innocent. A lot of my scenes had to be taken at least three times and I'm surprised the director didn't just quit on me but Missy's character did get a lot more fun in season two when her insanity definitely kicked the bucket. Season two Missy didn't really care for anything anymore she wore inappropriate clothes a lot of eyeliner and always had smudged mascara. I wasn't given a script in season two I was told to just say what a crazy woman would say." I had to wait to continue because the audience was laughing so loudly.

"Is it true you would always fall asleep on set Y/n?" Will snorts at that comment.

"In my defence hey had me waking up at 3 and arriving at 5 then leaving at 8 and getting home at 10 plus they shouldn't make the seats comfy if they don't want me to sleep. Even if the time was bad and ruined my sleep I wouldn't change it for anything." Will wraps an arm on me.

"You two are pretty close, right? How did that happen" I look at Will and gulp.

"Well the first day of set Y/n comes in ripped jeans and short top and asks if I'm the one kidnapping her then drinks her coffee and I'm just looking at this girl who at the time was 17 asking if I'm kidnapping her until I realise she means in the tv show. Now my little girls nineteen and dating." I look at Will and so does Jimmy.

"Dating?" I look at Will and he looks back smirking.

"I am not dating anyone at the moment, Jimmy, Smith here is just winding you up." Jimmy looks a little disappointed before saying.

"Okay so tonight I have a game could answer with a guess" As he explains that one of us say a question and the other to have to guess the answer I realise he just means trivia. "I'll go first. What episode did Y/n make the dirtiest remarks and how many dirty remarks were there?" Oh god, I made a lot of dirty remarks. Will goes first pressing his button.

"I am me and around 20." I don't think that was it so I press my button.

"Sober thoughts and around 45" Will and Jimmy look at me with shock on there faces.

"Y/n was the closest with Sober thoughts but the remarks were 57" They both look at me but I'm to busy laughing "How can she look so innocent? How many of those were scripted?" I lookup.

"None, That's what makes it so funny. Okay, your question, What was the first line of the season two intro?" They both go pale because I was the one who narrated the first episode.

"It all started when I was born?" I look at Jimmy and smile.

"No wasn't it 'It all started when my mother forgot protection and then out it came nine months later'?" I snort.

"Will is right." Jimmy looks at me.

"Wait what. No way they let you say that? About your brother!" I laugh

"It's Y/n she gets away with it all. Okay, the last question who was Jimmy's first guest-" I press my button faster than Jimmy

"His dog!"They all looked shocked I know this and I just laugh "It was a good show" Will whispers something to Jimmy then leaves with a bow.

I sit back in my seat. "So Y/n, we have some questions for you from the internet" I smile.

"Let's get them rolling then shall we." Someone appears on the screen.

"Hi I'm Mickie I'm nine years old and I have always loved your voice but I want to know is it autotune or can you actually sing?" I look at how cute she was then back at Jimmy.

"Well, Jimmy?" He smiles at me. "What do you want me to sing Mickie?"

"I have always liked F/s (Your fav song) "  I nod and sing the chorus of the song.

"Wow... Next question" I smile the past few questions have been pretty open 'what's your favourite colour?' 'Favourite song?' and some others. "Okay, last question until Y/ns Umbrella Academy interview."

"Hi I'm Milly I'm thirteen years old and I wanted to know if you and Aidan were getting lucky?" At that question, I nearly died of embarrassment. 

"Well we'll just have to see, won't we." I try joking off the situation even though it was starting to get to me I had a reputation to uphold.

"So you like him? What about Conner wasn't he the love of your life?" Conner and I had been dating since we were thirteen years old it was just a dare for the both of us but we ended up falling in love with each other a couple of months ago he was hit by a drunk driver and never woke up. "What cat got your tongue? That's what happens to sluts" I look at Jimmy tears in my eyes. Jimmy gestures to cut rolling and as soon as they do the Umbrella Academy cast come over to comfort me.

"I am so sorry Y/n I didn't know she was going to say that" I couldn't respond my throat hurt so bad I had been crying every night since that night. I had blamed myself if I had just told him not to go to the store and stay with me he would still be here right now.

"Don't worry Jimmy It's not your fault. I'll take Y/n to the make up booth and help her get cleaned up." I don't even know who was talking until I'm sitting in the make up room staring at my messy appearance with Aidan crouching beside me. "Y/n look at me. It wasn't your fault what happened to him you have to stop blaming yourself nobody could have stopped it." I looked at Aidan with a frown.

I pulled him into a big hug which surprised us both. Aidan and I were inseparable on and off set, Conner was pretty chill about it even though in the show Aidan and I had to kiss that's the thing when it comes to being your best friends love interest on a show. Conner had always joked that if we ever broke up that Aidan and I should date he said that it would bring his dreams to life and if I'm being honest after Conner died I had gotten even closer to Aidan and had started developing feelings for him too. 

"Screw it" Well, this is going to go wrong but let's try. I then crashed my lips on to his and he immediately kissed back. I then heard some claps and whistles and we broke apart looking at the Umbrella cast and Jimmy. "Hi, guys..." They just smile and wave us showing they want us to go on.

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now