Hate is my love. Part one

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Y/n Hargreeves was one of the eight children Reginald Hargreeves adopted. She like Five got stuck in the apocolypse but only because she was looking for him and just like Five the Handler took her in giving her the name X. She was the only person at the commison that was better than Five.

When Five had given the idea of traveling back in time to survive Y/n knew something would go wrong and it did because nobody landed with her. Looking around she straight away knew what year it was, 1960. To make things worse she only had one idea to keep alive, dad. Y/n decided it was best not to say she was from the future but say that her parents abandoned her and she needed a place to stay.

*Y/ns Pov*

I decided to wear a fancy red dress and have my H/c in a bun. (If you can) So that when I meet Reginald I can still look reasonably nice. I walked up to his door- thanks to the phone book I found where he lived- and gave a little knock at the door. Around three minutes later there he was good old Reginald himself.

"What do you want little girl?"

I look up at him making sure that only two tears drop from my eyes.

"M-my parents kicked me out and you were the closest house-" He goes to close the door but I stop it with my foot. "Wait! I can clean, sing, dance, cook and so much more. Just one night is all I ask and if you don't like me after that then I'll leave."

He gives a small smile to me which was strange. He opened the door and we walked to his couch.

"Quiet a strong girl for your age. Why'd your parents kick you out?"

This would be a good way to make him let me stay.

"Because im different and obviously they couldn't handle me being better than them."

He gives a cold chuckle and hands me a soda which I gladly take.

"I like people who know their worth but what do you mean by different?"

I smile at the compliment then look at the fire place and then I think of a phoienx flying through the room. As usual my power does what I think and there's a phoienx made out of fire flying around us.

"Wow. That's exceptional. No wonder your parents were scared of you. What else can you do?"

I give him a smirk before getting rid of the bird.

"Well my powers manipulation meaning nothing can stop it. I can make the mind think it's dead or that it's alive, I can bring good or bad memories to life, I can make objects come to me, I can kind of control the weather though I have never tried. I can also control emotions and read minds"

He looks at me in amazement.

"You will stay in the bedroom near mine and you will sing for me at my party's but in exchange I get to see you use your powers."


*two years later*

It was around Christmas time when someone came to Mr Hargreeves house claiming to be his son from the future.

I was singing Snowman at one of fathers Christmas party's well he was talking to someone who looked a lot like luther. Reginald had said that I was allowed to call him dad because he felt like my father even though he never wanted kids. Luther looked at me and I gave him a 'I'll see you later' look.

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now