Black coffee with a side of you 😉

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*Y/ns Pov*

I was meant to be getting ready to hang out with my family when I noticed a small dinner, Griddys Doughnuts. What could possibly go wrong? I sit at the far end of the counter pulling out what was meant to be my homework and a small notebook. There were only two other people in the doughnut shop but I didn't really care about what they were saying.

"And for the kids?" Oh god here we go when I was younger I accidentally broke into my father's lab poisoning myself and now I'm stuck at eighteen. The boy looked at me and I just rolled my eyes at the waitress.

"The kids want coffee. Black." What is he doing? Why is he moving closer to me? He puts an arm around my shoulders making me flinch. I do not do too well with people touching me because of my past boyfriend he could never physically hurt me because of my powers but he could mentally and that's what he did. I hear the waitress mumble "cute kids" which makes me roll my eyes again.

"Get your arm off me" The boy simply rolls his eyes. I look down to my notebook which had mysteriously opened to the one page I didn't want anyone to see. It was a drawing of a boy - My ex - stabbing a heart -my heart-. "What do you want?" He just smirks at me saying nothing. I grab my cup but quickly spit the coffee back out realising she had put sugar in it. The guy had paid for our drinks and quickly left, lucky guy.

"I'm going to need you to stay calm and hide-" I look at him quickly cutting him off "Why? I don't know you and I am not taking orders from you" He rolls his eyes "Your choice just don't die-" Is he high or something? "Yeah, and how am I going to die? Someone poison my coffee or-" I was cut off by a cold feeling on my neck. I know I should pay attention but I couldn't help but think who this boy was, What they want from him and how fast I could get my butter knife in the gunman's neck but what I heard next got my attention.

"Come on I don't want to go home with the conscience that I shot two kids-" Five looks at me and gulps obviously wandering if I can fight I spin around to face them "What did I do?" The gunman looks at me with pity "I'm just saying I need you to make it easier for me-" I roll my eyes "Well, will this make it easier?" Before he can comprehend what I said I stabbed him in the neck. The bullets shooters start firing at us but with a bit of focus, the five bullets froze in the air. The boy looks at me with pride spacial jumping over to another table. "Hey, assholes!" I snicker at his comment before manipulating three of the shooter's minds into thinking they were fish. I watch them flop around hopelessly before drowning themselves in what they thought was air for them. I see the boy snap the last shooter's neck and look at me.

"So you aren't normal-" I look at him "Yeah also your arms flashing so I'm gonna do this to distract you" I grab his face pulling him in for a kiss and can I say it wasn't such a bad kiss either but then I remember I still have to cut his forearm open. He keeps kissing my neck well I slice down his arm grabbing the tracker out. "Look we are going to have to stitch that up so why don't you come to my place and we can talk about whatever just happened" He nods and I tell him where my house is and poof there we were. So that's his power!

"So we both have powers..." I nod "You can spacial jump?" He sits on the couch nodding as I go to the kitchen to make a good cup of coffee. "Names Five. So where did you learn to fight?" I put a swig of alcohol in both of the coffees but not enough to get either of us drunk. "Y/n, My father worked as a bodyguard I was meant to take his place but I ran, I was a coward and ran. What about you? Nobody fights that well." He gives me a sympathetic look "I was a trained assassin" Five looks down in shame as I give him his coffee a tear goes down his face. "Lemme guess not your first career choice?" I wipe his tear as he gives a little chuckle "Is that alcohol in the coffee?" I smile sitting down beside him "Maybe" He has a big grin on his face and lets out a cute chuckle "You aren't just different with your powers but your kindness, nobody ever made me smile this much" I look at him and scoot closer putting my head on his shoulder well grabbing his forearm. "Well your gonna have a lot more of me" I kiss him again well sticking the needle in his arm he slightly groans into my mouth but I have to continue. I finish with the stitching but neither of us separate. The kiss got deeper and I realised just how safe he made me feel and I don't even know him that well. 

When we break apart we both frown a bit "I don't know how and I don't know why but you make me-" He cuts me off "Feel safe even though I don't know you" As I'm nodding he smirks "Ya know kissing is a strange way to distract one from pain" I snort at his comment. "Yea but you loved it"

A/n: I just remembered some of my friends have Wattpad 😧 Word count: 956

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now