The one girl you don't cross

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After Harold Jenkins is publically rejected from the umbrella academy he takes his pain out on his sister by exposing her powers to the world.

"Please sir! I was born on the same day as the academy and my sister she has powers!"

He grabs Y/n pulling her over to Mr Hargreeves and the academy. Everyone's looking at her now.

"Show me"

"I'm not a circus act for you sad life you already have seven weirdos! My brothers just going crazy."

Everyone glares at her but Y/n Just smirks. Reginald walks closer to Y/n with anger in his eyes and the academy look at her with fear but she walks closer trying to get him to snap.

"What a rude little girl. No wonder your daddy doesn't want you"

Y/n knew exactly what he's trying to do so she just smiles and gives a tiny smirk.

"At least I don't need to terrorize special people to distract myself from the sad thing you call a life!"

Reginald lifts his hand but Y/n stops him with her powers and looks at Allison her eyes going red for a second. She turns to the audience with a glare.

"I heard a rumor you all went home"

The paparazzi leave straight away with the academy looking at her with fear and her brother finally speaks up.

"My sister can manipulate things but im going to find my power soon!"

Y/n and Reginald both roll their eyes but continue glaring at each other before Y/n looks at Five then take Harold back home. Y/n never goes home anymore she lives at Griddys but little did she know the academy had snuck out there before she arrived.

"Hey Agnes!"

Agnes looks up and hugs Y/n. Agnes was Y/ns mother figure in life helping her through everything.

"There's my British little girl. The accents dying slowly isn't it? Has your dad?"

"Hit me. No haven't seen him all week but god my brother today sometimes I just want to kill him! You were meant to be the only one who knew and now Reginald is trying to buy me! I bet I won't go for more than 5 dollars."

Little did Y/n know the whole academy were listening to her and Agnes conversation.

"Oh darling. Have you been practicing?"

I nod and make a blue bird appear and fly around the store.

"The mind is truly beautiful so many powers I can explore. I can bring pain, Take pain, make you relieve the best or the worst memories, I can control anyone or anything but most importantly I can mimic powers by taking their mind into mine. I just hope I can use it well."

"You will you know something came for you today"

She takes me over to a flashing box and I push her away as it explodes flying me into a table. I look up to see around ten guys with guns then see six kids at a table looking ready to fight, must be the Hargreeves. I look back at the shooters.

" 'Ello boys."

I get a couple sympathetic glances and a couple snickers.

"Do you find my accent funny?"

They nod and I smile spacial jumping to the kids table.

"So Hargreeves long story short you guys have to leave because your gonna die if you dont"

I wink at them and walk away as the shooter start shooting at me I just watch the bullets go up to the roof.

"You must have really bad aim"

They glare at me and shoot seven bracelets at the academy and I which take place on our wrists taking away our powers. They start shooting again but this time I couldn't do anything about it but i saw bullets going towards one of the Hargreeves and the next thing I know there was a bullet in my stomach and shoulder.

"Boys enough playing you want me am I right?"

They glare at me but one of them got cocky enough to grab my throat and as soon as they did I grabbed it flipping him on his back well grabbing his key throwing it to the Hargreeves.

"What but how did you flip him your powers..."

I smirk at the assassins, in front, of me.

"Darling when your powers manipulation you can't stop it because it's everywhere! My power runs off feelings."

I throw the rest out well erasing their memories.

"Bye guys"

I wave but before I leave I feel a hand on my wrist dragging me out the door.

"I'm Five. Who are you?"

"Why do you care?"

"You just nearly got us killed but took a bullet for me and Klaus which you have seemed to ignore somehow."

I look down seeing my wounds bleeding out.

"Shit. Im Y/n and I really want to go so please"

I wave my hand over my stomach making my mind think the bullets were gone and my stomach was stitched up.

"Y/n cute name. Let me take you somewhere where we can talk."

I blush at his complement and agree to go.

"Your not as bad as the others."

He smirks at me and grabs my hand.

"Well I don't even know you but I feel like you are better than my siblings already"

Five spacial jumps us to a closed amusement park and we talk until it's around three am.

"I had fun with you today Five."

He smiles.

"You can anticipate peoples next moves right?"

I nod my head.

"Only if I read their-"

I was cut off by his lips smashing into mine and him climbing on top of me.

"Did you anticipate that?"

I smirk at him and grab his tie for another kiss.

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now