Bowling with Hearts

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I was at a cover party watching the Hargreeves when I see them talking to a boy. I walk over to them smiling as the boy said I'd rather chew off my own foot I decided it was time to put my plan in action.

"Well that's a bit rude we wouldn't want to go to the future with that mouth"

Five glares at me but understands what im saying and I flick my wrist at my cover story showing them they can forget who I am.

"Okay, you are going to see the Handler. I'll wait for you."

I hand him the address and he looks at me and gives it back.

"Do I know you?"

I smirk moving closer to him pulling him in by his tie.

"Let's just say I have beef with the bitch and your plan to save the world is a good way to make her feel fucked. She'll tell you about me trust me."

He smirks and we're so close that our noses are touching. I don't know why but I gave him a quick peck on the lips well slipping the address into his hand. He looks shocked as I whisper

"Stay safe"

When Five left I walked over to his family.

"You guys need to get down and trust me"

Only a man with a weird fashion sense man agreed until the guns went off making them all go down. I walk to the front letting them shoot.

"Lets play"

As they start shooting I stop the bullets giving the family enough time to run and take cover in the bowling pin area. The bullets start flying again one skimming my cheek making it bleed which sent me to my limit.

"That's a nice fear"

And with that comment, their fears came to life in front of them. I then see a boy appear near the shooters.


He runs over to me and surprisingly hugged me teleporting us to the theatre.

"What's with all the lollygagging?"

"Five I thought you swapped with the witch girl"

"The girl has a name. She's Y/n and is not a witch. The handler told me she's one of the only ones who can beat them and that we shouldn't trust her but she's all we got."

I smirk and turn seeing six-shooters my hands start forming F/c clouds around them before I rip apart the shooter's minds. As they made their plans on the girl I zone out until I watch her start to drain their life force.


I use my power to manipulate their life force to stay safe going against her powers and only just keeping them alive. I was lucky I was stronger. The girl who I've learnt is Allison held a gun to the other girls head, She won't shoot her I bet. As I suspected she didn't which left me with one more option of saving them.

"GUYS!" They all turn to look at me "this doesn't have to be the end you guys have to trust me on this."

There was a lot of yeah no's when Five decided to help finally getting them to say yes. I grab Allison and Fives hands enhancing Fives power by a smidge.

I land face first just missing a puddle. Why was my landing so soft? Looking down I see Five groaning making me get up in a second. He pulls me back down making me land in his lap.

"oh umm Sorry."

I go to get up again but Five brings my hips back down wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Be a good girl and stay."

"Cause you don't trust me?"

"So you killed everyone at the Handlers weddings?"

Well, he ignored my comment.

"That not entirely true and in my defence, she killed my best friend and brother. So I guess you are right I did accidentally blow everyone there's minds, literally. The Handler survived to my disappointment."

"How fun. Now are we just going to sit here comfortably or are we going to go see who is taking photos of us?"

"Hmmm depends do you think I look good in the photos? Because I'm really comfortable but if I look good-"

"I know you will look good in the pictures baby girl."

"Baby girl?"

"Well, we need a cover, don't we? Plus you never told me your name and it suits you"

"Now I'm not going to tell you my name"

"Fine, you go by Dolores or baby girl and we will have to be caught kissing sometimes."

"Sounds fun lets go"

We appear at the door of the guy's room knocking softly on the door.

"Hi, my girlfriend and I are selling encyclopedias-" I slip my hand in Fives who looks at me surprised but I just smile as we spacial jump into the stranger's house. Five and Elliot had some boring conversation about Fives brother and area 51 when they finally looked at me again.

"Yup I'm still here."

Five spacial jumps to me and kisses my head.

"Come on let's go to our room. Call us if you, I don't know, die?"

All I do is nod skipping after him winking at Elliot as I leave.

"So what are we doing-"

I was cut off by Five crashing his lips against mine.

"We are mhmm brother mhmm god"

I pull apart smiling at him.

"Words Five"

"We are going to meet my brother."

"Then what was with the god?"

"I-i ummm"

"Thought you were silver-tongued Five"

I walk out of the room smirking when I feel a hand on my shoulder jerking me around.

"You didn't just think you could leave did you?"


A/n: Sorry these are getting worse and worse but I'm running out of ideas and my friend isn't helping he's just being weird lol

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now