Two Number Fives?

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*Y/ns Pov*

I had been in my room when I heard yelling spacial jumping down to my family I see a group of people they must be the Umbrella Academy. I had noticed some strange things happening to the timeline, They must have changed it! Ben was getting ready to fight them and I had a feeling he would kill them if I didn't stop him.

"Boys that is enough!" I glare at the two pushing them out the way. "Reginald go get me some coffee it is going to be a very long night." I walk over to them and smile. "Y/n Hargreeves. It's a pleasure Umbrella academy I am terribly sorry about Ben he's not a peoples person" A girl with long brown hair moved forward. 

"Hi I'm Allison, That's Luther, Klaus, Vanya, Diego and Five" As she points to a boy around my age I stick a hand out for them to shake but only Vanya, Allison and Klaus take it.

"Well, there's no point introducing my family they already seem to hate you." I laugh and my family give me a glare. "I'm going to need a truthful answer to these questions before we talk more" They all stiffen but nod "One which one of you got you all stuck here?" They all point at Five and I nod turning to him "How many times have you travelled?" He glares at me not answering so I have to go through his memories. "Once to the apocalypse then back to the right time only to not stop the apocalypse than to 1963 then back here. That's better than others" They all looked shocked that I knew that. "The second question on a scale of one to ten- one being this timeline looks fine. 10 being this timeline never existed- how bad is the situation?" They all look at me and say.


I feel a knife go past my ear but catch it before it hits Five. "Careful Ben you could hurt someone." I chuckle putting the knife in my pocket but Five glares at me with an 'I could have done that' face.

"That's the point kill him send them to god knows what time and they'll never come back." I glare at him.

"This is why I'm the brains of the family because if it wasn't for me we would have died the first mission" I look at the Umbrella Academy who looks confused on why a stranger is standing up for them "We help them end of story and even if we did kill Five they would still come back, you dimwit" He steps towards me knife in his hand.

Ben then goes to punch me but I spacial jump behind him he turns and I punch him he growls and goes to attack but I'm already behind him kicking him in the back. Both academies are watching as Ben and I fight.

"The brains and the strength obviously" I smirk as he gets up.

"You know what your problem is-" I roll my eyes

"No, but please do tell"

"You think you're better than everyone but in the end, you're the most fucked up of us all! I would easily beat your weak ass if you didn't have powers" I glare at him for bringing up my past but then put on a cocky smile.

"I don't think I'm better than you, I know I am and if you have that much belief in yourself then consider my powers of" 

Ben then runs at me with his knife but I easily block it and wipe at his legs making him fall to the ground. He grabs my ankle yanking me down on top of him only to kick me in the guts. I spit out some blood and he throws a knife at me and I easily dodge it doing an aerial flip and grabbing the knife-throwing it at his ear.

"A five-year-old could beat you have fun with the piercing this round is over." He nods as I turn around I didn't notice him grab the knife and throwing it at me.

"Y/n look out!" I turn in time to be stabbed in the neck my a knife I feel all the air in me slowly leave and I look at Allison who ran over to me. "What type of brother are you! Trying to kill your own sister!" I saw that Allison wasn't the one yelling though it was Five. I tap Allison telling her to take the knife out of my neck she looks worried but does as she's told. My mind automatically thinks nothing of it and starts healing.

"How..." I look at Allison and Vanya who both hugged me. 

"I controlled my mind into thinking nothing happened."

"Well we've already adopted you as our sister and I think Five likes you" I turn to see Five smiling at me and I motion him over giving him a hug.

"Thank you" He nods as I walk over to the sparrow academy. They never really liked me but I guess I never tried to be liked I got stuck in the past when I was 13 came back looking 18 years old and they still hadn't got their heads out their ass's.

"Sparrow academy." They all look at me with fear in their eyes "You will forget all your bad or sad memories of me and will think I'm dead and Ben you have a tattoo of my face that's says 'favourite sibling'" I hear him cry out as the tattoo appeared and then Five took me to a hotel to get me cleaned up blood still falling down my neck.

"You are one badass bitch" I laugh giving him a hug and he slowly melted into my arms. I hear his siblings talking.

"He finally looks happy"- Allison "Shes going to be his saviour"-Vanya "Ship!"-Klaus "She is badass not as badass as me but at least she makes Five happy"-Diego "Dad sent me to the moon so I'm still better"-Luther "Shut up Luther as long as Five is finally letting someone in we should all be happy. Let's just hope she agrees to stay aww look he's asleep he never lets people hug him they truly are soulmates"-Vanya, Kllaus and Allison

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now