Since 1948!

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*The picture is what you wear to "Work" and credit to whoever recorded the video*

I have been stranded alone in 1948 because of Fives time travelling failure lucky for me I found Luther- my least favourite sibling- around fourteen years later. It's been a year since then and I still haven't told him what my real job is.

"Hey, Eight." I look up to Luther sitting beside me on my bed. After the time we spent together I had learnt that he was just as scared as the rest of us in fact he had even grown to be one of my favourite siblings now. "I never thanked you for getting me this job but I'm confused, How did you know about Mr Ruby?" I have been waiting for this conversation ever since I found him but I still couldn't help but be surprised.

"I-i uh well he found me when I fell out the portal" I lift my top to show him the stitching Ruby had given me. "When I came out the portal a pole went through my lower stomach, Ruby found me lying there and saw potential. I don't know why but he trained me harder than dad ever did, I became his puppet. I didn't care though he had saved my life and I was in debt. When I found you he stopped using me as his bodyguard and changed to you. He doesn't know about my powers but he does know that nobody suspects a short eighteen-year-old girl to be able to take down 6 foot 5 middle-aged men who have been trained to take down people as big as you." He chuckles at this comment knowing I'm the strongest sibling maybe even stronger than Vanya. "I-i hate myself every day for it but I was also his-"

 "hitman or should I say hitgirl" I give him a sad smile happy he's not yelling at me "At least I know you had a code. Come on we have to go to the car Ruby wants us at his-" I nod not needing him to finish.

Looking at my closet I feel so ashamed all my clothes look like lingerie but I guess that's what everyone else wears to work and fairs fair. Sometimes I hate Five because if it weren't for him and his stupid time travelling I wouldn't have to wear this and be groped by middle-age men.

"Hey, guys I'm here." Ruby looks me up and down before pointing to the back throwing me a gun. I give him a big smile and hide the gun in my lap.

"You'll be shooting Stephan Meriano he stole money off me-" "And now I steal his life, oh goody can't wait. How many shots do I get?" He smiles at me "Two and if it makes you happier the first can be a tease" I look at Luther and he nods.

As we drive past the guy I'm meant to kill I start to think 'what if I actually do like killing? Before I came back for fathers funeral I trained upcoming assassins until the whole turning 18 again. And the fact Ruby and I just joked about teasing someone before killing him, I am a monster!' I point the gun at the unfortunate guy shooting at his genital area first. He screams in pain but I knew that if I used my powers to calm him Ruby would know somethings up so all I could do is shoot him in the heart to quicken his death and then the car stopped, we were here.

Luther was talking to some person like usual and me I was standing there awkwardly until she points to someone at the front, was that- no it couldn't be. Before I could even notice Luther had dragged me to stand in front of the boy and there he was Five Hargreeves the main dick himself.

"She's too young for you" I snort at Luther's comment. He doesn't even turn around that little pedo! "Nice to see you too, Luther." I roll my eyes Five obviously doesn't know I'm there and Luther continues "What do you want" He finally looks at Luther "For you to stop looking like an ambitious stripper and sit down with me." I bet he'd love if Luther was a stripper! I walk over to Ruby sitting in his lap laughing at his story as Luther points at me and Five turns around.

*Fives Pov*

"How long have you been here?" He looks mad "A year, thanks to you" I try to look a little sadder but all I can think about is if Eight is ok I had fallen in love with her at the age of ten but all she fell in love with was one night stands. "Im sorry, Luther. I know that couldn't have been easy-" He scuffs "Tell that to Eight she's been stuck here for fourteen years and still hasn't aged" He points over to a girl who had long blonde hair with black streaks in it that must be Eight but what's with the black streaks? "The streaks are from the years seeing as she still hasn't found a cure to get out of her body yet." I nod as he starts to ignore the Eight situation "I thought everybody was dead... I got to go" I grab his arm "Luther wait. Look, I get it okay? I know what its like to be stuck in time thinking this is how you gonna live out the rest of your life. on the run and not knowing if your ever gonna see the people you love again, and to be in an unfamiliar world but Luther your not alone. We have to find the others because the world ends again in ten days and I have no idea how to stop it." I look up to see Eight over at her table giving Ruby a lap dance. That should be me! "I don't give a shit." 

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now