What are we?

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Five and I had never gotten along. We didn't hate each other and we both showed it in missions we just avoided each other. Five and I had both repeatedly risked our lives to save each other and well the others thought it was cute we both found a way to make it a competition. Five always saw me as a snarky bitch and I always saw him as a cocky jerk but I guess after a while you come to miss the cockiness. It had been a while since he had left and I had turned to drugs with Klaus which somehow stopped me from aging. I would cry at night and I didn't even know why it's not like we liked each other but something inside of me just wanted to crawl into a ball and cry.

*Roughly twelve years later*

I had been living with Vanya since the move because she was the only one who could stop my random mental break downs. I had always made up funny lyrics to songs Vanya would play on her violin and would always try and keep her company so she said that this was her way of repaying me.

"Hey, Y/n I finished my book do you want to look it over?" Vanya had been writing a book about my siblings and me. We were both really bad with them when I gave her the idea and now we were publishing it.

"Yeah sure V!" I decide to take a look at my page seeing as though that's as bad as I'll ever be exposed for in life.

*Chapter issue*

Name: Number Eight, Y/n Hargreeves.

Power: Can manipulate anything.

Age: Physically thirteen, mentally twenty-five

Physical appearance: *Insert photo of you*

Bio: Y/n was the only one who ever looked after me and treated me nicely. Y/n had a personality where you would love or hate her. Everyone in the academy loved her some just chose not to show it though. Y/n and Five always had an on and off friendship where at one point they would be arguing and another they would be taking bullets for each other. It was pretty obvious Five loved her but he was too stubborn to admit it and now he's gone. After Five left it became obvious that Y/n had feelings for him. She locked herself in the bedroom crying herself to sleep and never eating. The one time she tried to walk down the stair Diego, Luther and Klaus had to stop her from fainting because of how weak she was. I would play my violin to her every night to calm her down and it broke my heart- it broke everyone's heart- to see her crying and slipping away from the world and there being nothing we can do. When Y/n was younger she would always help us with our problems. When Luther didn't think he was leader material she would remind him that he is number one because we all look up to him even when we don't want to admit it and that he made the hard decisions for us, When Diego had his stutter Y/n would always make sure to help him by sounding out the words for him to say, When Allison needed to practice her powers Y/n was always there to be her puppet, When Klaus had to be stuck in the cemetery Y/n would always sneak in to hold him, When Five had to act tough and cold Y/n was there whether they tried to hate each other they were always the closest, When Ben had to use his powers Y/n always comforted him afterwards and me, Y/n would always look after me when I was excluded she did so much for me and I wouldn't be the women I was today without her but after Five left Y/n lost her light and it was as if she was stuck in that one time forever. She always waited for Five leaving out sandwiches and the lights on for the day she hoped he would be home but it never came and her nights got worse and worse with mental break downs happening every four times a day. The day she was shot in the heart I remember her asking herself if she could just let death take her but when she saw me she smiled saying she wasn't ready to let go but not when her family was crumbling to pieces and when Five still had a chance of coming back. She was the glue to our broken family.

*End Chapter*

"Vanya that's- Thank you" I hug her as strong as possible.

*The day of the funeral*

I was already a little late when I saw a big blue light flashing outside the house. I ran out of the house recognising the light straight away, Five.

"Get behind me!" I ignore their calls running towards the portal as I see a boy falling I reach my arm out catching him.

"Shit!" I smile at the boy who had just fallen on me I tried to get up when I feel an arm over my shoulder and under my arm, was Five hugging me? "I missed you so much" I smile at him hugging him back.

"What happened to you?" He grabs my hand and drags me into the house. Everyone starts throwing Five questions well he makes a sandwich. I must have missed a lot because Five had grabbed my hand and we were in a car. "Thought you hated me" He rolls his eyes and puts a hand on my thigh.

"You know hate and love are the same things and I have come to terms about my liking to you..." I blush and hold his hand he looks embarrassed and quickly removes it "Sorry I shouldn't have-" We both get out the car and I put my hand in his.

"Why couldn't we stay in the car your hand was really comfy. You know what would have made it even better though" He smirks.

"What Darling?" He wraps his arm around my waist.

"Your lips on mine"

He smirks doing what I told him to do.

A/N: OMG cringe alert!! Word count: 1017

Five Hargreeves/ Aidan Gallagher/ Nicky Harper imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now