A helping hand

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"Damn it! Why can't I find anything?!"

I was sitting in a pile of books trying to find some way to make astral projecting longer. A week ago, I heard Ambrose ask aunt Hilda to help him astral project on the second date with that warlock Luke. She said no, so I decided to help him. Father Blackwood gave me like a week off of the academy because I finished everything before the deadline. I can't find anything and I'm really starting to lose it because I've been trying to find something for 5 days and his date is tomorrow and I have no clue on how to help him.

'You know there is a way to make astral projection longer.'

"Why didn't you say something like maybe 5 days ago! Are you waiting for me to lose my mind!"

'No. I just thought of it now. My friend, a few years back, accidentally found out how.'

"Care to share that secret?"

'As you know astral projecting is against basically all the rules of Witchcraft. You can't separate your soul from the body because soul and body need to be together all the time. Astral projecting is basically the way for Dark Lord to knows where your soul is. You need to do something that will hide the soul from him.'

"All right, so well he can't exactly eat onions in the movies, but horseshoe might be a good idea. I'm going to talk to Ambrose."

The next day I went to Ambrose's room to help him with Astral projecting and I saw that he already started alone.

"Ambrose what in hea.."

"Shhhhhh! Don't talk so loud"

"Are you out of your mind astral projecting alone! You know how dangerous that is."

"I know, I know, but I need to see Luke."

"Next time ask me. Now I'm going to help you. I found something that can help astral project longer. I was thinking what if you take something that will make you invisible to the Dark Lord, like a horseshoe. I read about the few cases of that so it's worth a shot and even if it doesn't work, I'll be here."

"That is a pretty good observation cousin."

"I'll give you two hours and then I'm bringing you back. Paradox will be here to watch over you."

I locked the room and went to the kitchen. There I saw aunt Hilda.

"Ambrose isn't feeling very well. I think he has the same thing I had the week ago so I gave him some of those herbs that should put him out for, like maybe 3 hours. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Sure love, I need you to help me reorganize my herbs in the garden it'll take about an hour and then we can go check on Ambrose, yeah, ok..."

So we went to the garden. That was the longest hour and a half of my life, I mean how many herbs does she have. Aunt Hilda had to go because Sabrina had her own problems. Apparently, there was an accident in the mines and Sabrina's boyfriend made out alive, but his brother is still trapped down there.  I went up to Ambrose's room. I don't know how much time has passed but it was surely longer than 2 hours, the candle started to flicker and I didn't know what to do. I tried to wake Ambrose up but it didn't work. I started to panic not knowing what to do.

"Ambrose come back! Come on!"

'He's not going to wake up, he's been projecting too long, he's soul is probably somewhere in Limbo.'

"What!? You didn't told me that could happened! Never mind, how can I bring him back?"

'There is no other way to bring the soul back other than crossing into limbo.'

"I can't go to limbo. I need Dark Lords' permission to do that."

'You don't actually, there is a spell that can make you cross to limbo for exactly 13 minutes, which is enough time for the Dark Lord to not sense you and for you to bring your cousin back.'

"So what's the spell?"

I took a piece of paper and wrote the spell down. I brought my hands upon Ambrose's chest and I started chanting.

Et intrabit in Limbo
Et revertetur ad animam
Quorum iste dicit Nondum venit

I opened my eyes and saw myself in Ambrose's room, but without Ambrose. I just had 13 minutes to bring him back and I have no idea how to do it, but then an idea came to my mind: If I was in the room where I was before crossing, then Ambrose is probably somewhere close to that place where he went on a date. I just hope my magic is still working, at least a little bit, so here goes nothing: Lanuae Magicae.

I teleported and saw Ambrose right away. I ran up to him but he was lost. I mean, all souls in limbo are, but this was different. He doesn't belong here so it's a lot harder for him than for the rest. I took his hand and we were both back in his room. I was awake immediately but it took Ambrose about two minutes and then he jumped, all sweating and everything. He asked me what happened and I told him about limbo and everything.

"How did you know the enchantments? Those are some rare spells and I know they aren't in any of the books?"

I knew it was time for someone to know about the voice. The voice in my head was telling me not to tell Ambrose, but I had to.

"Ok, Ambrose what I'm about to tell you can't tell anyone not Sabrina, not aunties, no one."

"Ok cousin, you're scaring me."

"When I signed the book of the Beast, I started hearing this voice in my head. At first, I tried to ignore it, but somewhere around Sabrina's trial I just had enough and started talking to it. He actually knows a lot of things, he's the one who told me about the longer astral projecting and how to cross into Limbo."

"Is he here right now?"

"He is always there; it's just he doesn't want to talk that much. He usually talks when something's about to happen. Sometimes, when I am alone, I just talk to him. But I don't know what will aunties do. So please Ambrose, don't tell anyone."

"All right Cali, I won't but you are going to tell me every new spell you learn."

We heard a door slam and went downstairs to see what's going. Apparently, we were longer in Limbo than I thought. The time in limbo and in the real world are actually really different so 13 minutes there are 6 hours here. Sabrina also crossed limbo, but mortal one, so she could bring Harvey's brother's soul back. She had to kill Agatha for which I was pissed, like come on. She did bring Agatha back, using the Cain pit. Agatha was really sick, she was coughing grave dirt and Sabrina had to tell Harvey about witches in Greendale and Harvey is the one who killed his own brother in the end. Now Sabrina's having a total breakdown.

These were exciting two days of my life. Tomorrow I'll go to the academy to see how Agatha is doing and see if there is anything I can do to help.

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