The Uninvited

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Lilith left, somewhere, I have no idea where... She is really getting on my nerves. I have demons in check, they all fear me, Caliban is a pile of ashes, but Lilith is still here. Although it wasn't that hard to convince Lucifer to keep Lilith away from me and to give me another demon, she is still trying to find a way to mess with me. I don't even want to know where, or to whom, she went to, but I have a pretty good idea.


And of course, I was right.

"Yes, Sabrina's, you don't need to yell, I can hear you two perfectly."
"Oh, thank Hecate"
"What are you two doing here?"
"Uh, the second terror, The Uninvited, showed up at aunt Hilda's wedding, and he..."
"Tried to destroy it so you decided to bring him to mine!"
"We didn't know what else to do. He has been killing mortals and witches in Greendale. We thought he might do less damage in Hell."
"I am not even going to ask how you got an invite..."
"Yeah, about that, you are getting married? To whom? Do we know him?"
"Yes, you know him"
"Who is it? Don't tell us it's Caliban" - the second Sabrina asked
"What? No! Do you really think that I would ever marry that?"
"Just asking."
"No, it's..."

Before I could say anything else, the door of my room opened.

"Is the most beautiful bride in the realm ready for unholy... Why am I seeing double?"
"Because Sabrina is an idiot."
"What game are you playing at?"
"There are two of them. Long story short, Sabrina came back in time and the two of them refused to merge."
"I knew that something was wrong..."
"We have a bigger problem, Father!"
"What could be more important..."
"These two idiots decided to bring an Eldritch terror, the Uninvited here."
"He is in the throne room and we need to stop him somehow, or to kill him." - one of the Sabrina's said
"You can't kill an Eldritch terror. They are horror incarnate. The idea of horror with enough power to tear through all the realms, including this one." - Lucifer said
"What about trapping it?" - they said in union
"In theory, perhaps you could, but an Acheron wouldn't do it. You need a prison that exists outside of space and time."
"The yellow house."

Everyone looked at me waiting for an explanation.

"The house that Prudence put her siblings in. The one that is in your room at the Mortuary. The concept of time doesn't exist in it."
"Right, that could work."
"So, go on, Sabrina, one of you two, go and get that house and we will prepare everything."

One of Sabrina's left, Lucifer left as well, so that left me with another Sabrina.

"So... you're marrying him?"
"Let's get some things straight. One, you have no right to judge me because you have no idea what I've been through in here. Two, if you're thinking about time, it runs differently here than on Earth. For you has been, what, two weeks? Well for me it has been almost a year. And number three, is a question, you mentioned the Uninvited killed witches, who did he kill?"
"I shouldn't..."
"Like Hell you shouldn't! Who. Did. He. Kill?"
"Dorian. He killed Dorian"

At that moment everything stopped and became clear. The pain I felt last night, was because of Dorian's death.

"Now you listen carefully, and tell this to the other you, I will help you trap the Uninvited, but after that, if you ever, EVER, show your face here I will kill you."
"NO! There is no more Calisa... You let the Uninvited kill Dorian, you brought him to my wedding, to my realm. You had no right to do that. So, after we trap it, you will take it back to Earth, and never show up here. Have I made myself clear?"
"Yes, sorry."

I couldn't believe it. That's a lie, of course I could. Only Sabrina can do something like this... I can feel the pain and anger rising up and trying to get out, but I have to stay composed for a little bit longer. When everyone came back we developed a plan where one of Sabrina's will marry the Uninvited, bring him to the house, and the rest of us will trap him inside.

Everything worked out perfectly. The Uninvited is now trapped inside.

"What now?" - Sabrina asked
"Now, you take the house and you two leave and don't come back."
"NO, Sabrina! You don't get to say anything, all you two can do now is leave. I finally have a life that is mine, not yours, MINE! You've let this thing kill Dorian, you brought it here, to MY wedding, to MY realm, and to MY life! I am tired and sick of you constantly ruining it! Now you are going to take this house and leave Hell willingly..."
"Before I make you leave."
"I banish you, Sabrina's, from my realm. If I see one of you, here again, I will kill you both."

They left finally. I am about to burst. It's a mystery how I survived this day.

"Well this was..."
"Choose your next words carefully, Lilith, or you will be next to leave."
"You cannot banish me! I carry..."
"You are carrying nothing! Step over the line one more time, and even the Dark Lord won't be able to save you from me. Once that thing is out, you will be forgotten."

With that, I left them and went to my room. I cast the silencing spell on it and a few minutes later everything was either broken or turned to ash. I was sitting in that pile of broken pieces starring directly into objects that were still burning for hours until Ishtar knocked on my door and came to help me prepare for my wedding.

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