Who Am I

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Prudence and Ambrose went on a Blackwood hunt. The Spellman's mortuary became a home for those who survived the poison Blackwood tried to give them. I stayed with Dorian in the Gray room, not saying a thing since that night. Dorian didn't say a word, he was always hiding or turning around when I come into the bar, but I didn't have the strength to ask him anything. To say that I am confused and don't know what to do with my life would've been an understatement. I just wanted to enjoy the silence and no dra...
"Dorian? Dorian Gray. I need your help. Calisa? Why are you here, and not in the mortuary?"
Oh, great. Peace and quiet are two things that I will never get in my life but considering who my family is, no surprise there.
"Because I live here."
"But why..."
"What do you want from me, Sabrina? Can't you see that I am busy." - Dorian said
"With what Dorian, I am here every minute? Why are you avoiding any eye contact?" - I asked
"Don't want you to look at me. I'm hideous."
"What? What happened?" - Sabrina asked
"I have a... a pimple."
"Really, Dorian! That's why you avoided everyone? Wait, seriously?!" - I wanted to laugh so bad
"I haven't had a pimple since Basil painted my portrait."
"Actually, that's why I came to see you. You're an art collector, right? Do you have any paintings of Hell?"
"Several. Doesn't everyone?"
"Yes, but are any of them... a portal?"
Dorian gave me a worried look, as he knew that something was about to happen. But when he saw that I just stood still, he continued his conversation with Sabrina.
"You think you can just pop into Hell for a quick visit and save darling Nicky? Well, doesn't quite work like that. Once you're in Hell, no one is particularly inclined to let you leave. And yes, I do have a... portal, which I will allow you to use, for a price. I want you to bring something back for me."
"Let me guess, your soul."
"No, I have no use for that. There is only one flower that grows in Hell, in the Forest of Torment. Le fleur du mal. It is the original flower of evil that inspired the poet Baudelaire. It's nectar could help me with my... facial deformity. Bring it back for me, and I will arrange safe passage for you."
"Done. Although it's not just going to be a safe passage for me. You coming too Calisa?"
"I don't know Sabrina, I will think about it."
With that, she left.
"So are you going?"
"I don't know."
"You know, if it was someone else..."
"They would jump at the opportunity. Yes, Dorian, I know."
"Well, may I suggest you be more open to her ideas or they will think something is going on."
"That's what my life became, huh. Constant pretending, wearing a mask every day. I don't even know who I am anymore."
"Well then, let's figure it out. Give me ten minutes."
I have no idea what he is planning to do, but I am grateful. With Prudence and Ambrose out of town, I only have Dorian and Paradox left.
"Alright. Now let's talk."
"What did you do?"
"I was finding a portal."
"That is not important. Now. You."
"The question you need to ask yourself is who you want to be, why you want it, if it will be worth it and most importantly you need to stick to it."
"But I don't know."
"Of course you don't. You lived a lie for 18 years, not knowing who you were, or what you could be. You have a few options here. You can stay here and pretend every day, you can accept that you're an Heir of Hell or you can run away, hoping to escape."
"Like the third one is even an option."
"Look, for now, you need to pretend, so go with Sabrina, see Hell and Him, and then decide."
"Ok, fine."
He is right, those are the options I have, but there is only one that is possible. I can't run, I wouldn't get far, it's just impossible. I can't pretend, because it's hard, knowing the truth and smile like everything is back to normal. There is only one thing I can do, and that is to accept the fact that The Dark Lord is my father and that I am the Hair of Hell. But, how can I do that?
Here we go. Dorian showed us eight portals. Wait, eight? There should be nine, I will ask him later. (A/U: I know that in the show there are 4, but bear with me here, for the sake of the story) We went inside and were immediately on the beach. There was a guy making a sandcastle? He told us where to go to get to Pandemonium. I got a really bad feeling about him, just can't quite put my mind around it.
The journey begins...
First stop - Field of witness - there we saw Theo's uncle Jesse, here birds are eating the flesh of the sinners
Second stop - Forest of torment - we found Dorian's stupid flower, but we also saw Harvey's brother Tommy.
This thing with family members is really getting annoying. We almost died right now. Thou, I don't think something would have happened to me, but still...
Finally, we came to Pandemonium. Well, we thought we did. Someone, we all can guess who, charmed the door to take us to Hell's version of Baxter High. I quickly muttered the spell, not knowing if it would work. I mean, I am the Hair of Hell, but will my magic listen to me if Lilith is the crowned Queen. I have nothing to lose, right?
-Ego regina, detractoribus non commiscearis
Pandemonium ad me mittebant-
It worked! Yes! There is no one here. I guess Lilith is preparing something else for Sabrina and her gang. So what do I do now? I hear Lilith coming in talking to her minion. I had nowhere to hide. Damn it!
"Calisa Persephone! What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Lilith, did you really think you're little tricks would work on me?"
"Well, I did hope..."
"I came with Sabrina. I would suggest you bring her and her friends from that classroom of horror."
"And why would I do that?"
"I heard you say the Kings of Hell are questioning your rule. But what would they do if they hear the real Queen and Hair of Hell is here."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"I wouldn't? You really want to go there?"
"Ugh, fine. Minion, tell those demons to stop, and bring me Sabrina...and her little gang."
So, the next few hours were a bust. Sabrina didn't even notice I wasn't with them. So much for things have changed... We "had" dinner, it was glamoured to look delicious, but trust me, it's far from that. Later the hierarchy of Hell had been summoned. I shout out every noise there is, I just looked around the room absorbing everything in much detail as possible. How in Hell's name could I be the Queen here? Caliban showed up at one point, that was the guy from the beach. I knew something was off about him. The Kings of Hell nominated him for the next ruler of Hell, but Sabrina claimed the throne. Caliban said he will be back when they have enough signatures to challenge Sabrina for the throne. We got Nick, and Lucifer, out of there. Right now, both of them are in the Witches cell bound in Damascus steel. Sabrina went back to her Aunties, while I stayed at Dorian's. I told Sabrina that I would come back to the Mortuary, but I don't really know if I will.

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