2. What if...

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Okay, I know I said that I would do one-shots that would fix some plot-holes in the story. But I just got a lot of inspiration for different versions of What if... chapters, so I am going to do that for now. There will be those one shots I promised, just not now. Sorry if I disappointed some of you, but I hope you like these chapters as well🕸

Calisa's P.O.V.

After a while, I got bored with just staying in bed all day, so I decided to go out and take a stroll through the woods. I got a strange feeling, like someone was following me. At first I tried to dismiss it, but it became stronger, so there was only one thing I could do...

"I don't like being followed, so you better show yourself or you will be sorry!" - I said while I formed a ball of fire in my hand
"And how will you do that if you can't see me? Shouldn't you be afraid right now? All alone, don't know where I am!"
"I always find a way! And the only thing, or better yet a person I am afraid of is the Dark Lord, so you are messing with a wrong witch!"
"Hmm, aren't you a feisty one."
"What do you want?"
"Nothing. Just wanted to see if what they're saying is true."
"And what is that?"
"That you and I are the same."
"Hah, we are not the same. I don't lurk in the shadows like a coward!"

Just as I finished the sentence the feeling was gone, whatever/whoever that was, it was gone. I think it's best if I go home now.
I still can't believe that Ambrose is on trial as well. He has done nothing wrong. I locked the door to my room and revealed the altar I made a few months ago. I guess I can give praying a shot, not that I have any faith that our Lord would make them come true, but I have nothing to lose...

"Oh mighty Dark Lord, I come to you with more that one request, but I am ready to pay the price no matter what it takes.
For one I want Ambrose Spellman to be made my legal guardian. For two I want him to be released from the house arrest.
Please, My Lord, I will do anything and everything, I will pay any price that you deem necessary, just accept my requests!"

As I was about to say Hail Satan, the flames from the candles suddenly grew a bit too much that I had to shield myself. But when the fire calmed down I saw three letters standing there. One was for Zelda, one for Ambrose and one for me.
I opened mine, and to say that I am in shock would have been an understatement. I cannot believe this. I ran downstairs and entered the living room interrupting Father Blackwood mid-sentence.

"I have two letters that would interest you."

I gave Zelda hers, and Ambrose his. But I couldn't contain the excitement so I just went ahead and said what was in them.

"I can't wait for you to open them! So, in you letter, aunt Zelda, is said that as of today Ambrose Spellman is my legal guardian. Which means that, since I have signed my name in the Book of the Beast, he is no longer on trial." - I said the last part looking at Blackwood

"In your letter, Ambrose, is a written declaration that you are no longer on house arrest, more so, you are officially free of all charges considering the Vatican incident. At the end of both of those letters you will find the signature of the Anti-pope, as well as the signature of our Dark Lord himself."
"That is not possible. You expect me to believe this.. this..."
"Dark Lord himself gave me these letters, father Blackwood. I suggest you don't question his decision. But if you don't believe me, go ahead and summon him. I bet he can't wait for someone to question his will."

With that I left the room feeling all of their eyes on my back, especially Blackwoods. They were burning with hate and jealousy.

After Blackwood left, Ambrose came to my room.
"How did you do that?"
"I made a deal."
"Why?! It's not worth it Calisa, whatever you promised, it's not worth it! Why would you do that!?"
"It is worth it, Ambrose. You are worth it, okay! I do see you as my guardian, and that makes it worth it!"
"What is he making you do?"
"Tell me! Price for this, I can't imagined how big it is!"
"He is not making me do anything okay! I got a letter too, and it only said that it was time for a change. That's it."
"I swear on Satans claw"

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