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"Why do people run from darkness when it is not blinding as light"

I opened my eyes slowly. I was in my bed.

"You're awake."

"Dorian! What happened?"

"You came back from the carnival and started screaming. When I came, you suddenly stopped and a few seconds later you passed out. I found Ambrose and brought him here to help, I had to tell him everything..."

"What! Dorian, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did! He tried to help but failed. He said he will find something in the library after the Hare Moon."

Ambrose didn't know that he won't find anything in the library.

"I don't want to suggest this..."
"Then don't."
"Do you think He knows?"
"I don't think, I am sure of it."
"No way, Dorian. I can't go there. I just ... can't."
"You'll have to face him someday. But fine. Oh, and if anyone asks your powers are fading."

With that, he left. Power fading? Oh... He is taking our powers. Of course he is. I decided to take a walk through the Academy. I thought that it was empty, but I guess not. I bumped into Sabrina.

"What is going on?" - I asked

"The Pagans. They are back. We don't know how. Agatha and Dorcas are under their spell, our powers are fading and they just stopped us from getting them back."

"What? Wait! Where are you going?"

"Zelda called for an emergency meeting. Let's go, you can come too."

She just took me by the hand and we went on running. When we got there, Zelda just looked at me but said nothing. Well, she did ask me if I noticed anything happening with my powers and I said what Dorian told me to say, that they are getting weaker. Zelda started a meeting. Ambrose and I just moved to the back of the room.

"We have no choice. The Pagans are a clear and present danger, and we are without strength. As dangerous as it will be, we must free the Dark Lord."
"WHAT! Are you crazy?"
"It's our only way, Calisa." - Sabrina said
"No, there has to be another way. You can't free him!"
"He will be angry at us, and there will be heaven to pay, but he'll crush the Pagans under his hoof."
"I'll go down. He's my father right. Maybe I can sweet-talk him."
"You are not going down there, Sabrina! Are you all out of your mind?"
"And what do you propose, Calisa? That we let the Pagans kill us?" - Zelda said
"Of course not! But you can't."
"Why are you so against it? If someone should be scared it's us four, not you, nor the rest of the coven."
"Why don't you ask your aunties, Sabrina? I know that they know the truth."

Hilda and Zelda both looked at me, to say they were shocked would've been an understatement.

"You knew? For how long?"
"A little before the Walz."
"You were under..."
"A spell? No, I was never under one. But I sure as Heaven wouldn't have told you."

I turned to leave, but...

"And where are you going?"
"As far away from here. I am not going to be around when you do what you're about to."

I couldn't move. Really?

"If you know, then you are an even more of a danger than we thought. We need to lock her up."
"Are you sure that is necessary Zelds? She didn't do anything?"

I was so angry right now. She wanted to lock me up just because I know the truth. For the next few minutes I couldn't control myself. I felt such a power boost. I freed myself from the spell and turned to face them, making them fly to the wall. I could see that they were scared, like a lot. I was about to cast a spell on Zelda, but the look that Ambrose and Hilda gave me calmed me down. My head began to hurt and the room started to spin again. I quickly teleported so she can't take advantage and lock me up. I teleported right in front of Dorian and Prudence.

"It hurts, Dorian, so much. I can't control it!"
"You need to go to Him."
"NO! I can't! I..." - I let out a piercing scream and fell on to the floor

I couldn't say anything else. The pain was unbearable. Stronger than the last time. I could only see Dorian and Prudence trying to help me, but with no use. I just couldn't stop screaming. I could see Dorian telling Prudence something and then he left.

"It will be alright, Calisa. Dorian knows what do to. He went to find someone who can help."

I know he went to find out where He is, but I just couldn't say anything. I just kept on shaking and trying not to scream.

"Prudence, quick hide! Sabrina is coming here!"
"What? Why?"
"No time to explain, just go!"

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