Memories - part I

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place so of course, my instincts kicked out, I jumped and in the process, I bumped into someone.

"You are finally awake."

I just looked at him. I have no idea about who he is, but he looks like an angel.

"Who are you? Where..."

I turned around and I saw exactly where we were. The place in the forest I always came when I felt like being alone. But it was different. I got closer to the big rock in the center and looked at it from every side. 

"The spell worked."

I can't believe that it actually worked, even she couldn't do it. I went back to where he was standing, he just looked at me with a questioning look.

"What are you talking about? What spell?"

"Well, I found a spell in my... Wait, why am I telling you this? I don't even know who you are."

He just looked at me and smiled.

"Think who can I be, since you already know where you are."

I stopped for a moment to think, and then it hit me. This place is in my mind, so that means...

"You're that voice."

"Yes I am, now answer my question: What spell?"

I hesitated for a second, but I will probably need his help to wake up.

"I found a spell in my mother's diary. She always had this kind of episodes, she was passing out for no reason, and she grew tired of relying on other people to wake her up. So, she found a spell where you create like a mind maze and you need to find some kind of a trigger memory that pulls you from unconsciousness. The spell never worked for her."

"Then why cast it?"

He sounded surprised, but also a little worried.

"When I first read about it I didn't even get to the rest of the pages I just thought that it's a handy spell and I did it. Honestly, I have no idea why it worked."

"How do you wake up?"

"I don't know, my mother never cast the spell right so she never wrote about her experiences, I mean she couldn't. I have no idea how to trigger or find a memory."

"Then we wait for the Spellman's to wake you up."

"Yeeaah, no, we can't. The spell, if cast successfully, can only be broken by the caster. Only I can wake myself, so basically I'll be in a coma until I find a way out."

He looked at me like he wanted to kill me. It's not my fault, he is as much responsible for this as I am. I used too much of my magic that night and besides, I didn't know if the spell would work or not.

"Everything's better than being awake right now. Since Sabrina signed her name she'll probably attend the Academy full time and I will have to see her every day. I really need time off of all of her problems. It's not like they will notice I'm gone."

"What's that?"


"Behind you."

I turned around and saw a door. I have an idea why they are there, but I am too scared to go through them. I know everyone thinks I am strong and that I am never afraid, but that is not true. I put on an act all the time because it is expected from me. I am not like Sabrina, she really isn't scared, but I am, always. And as always, I have to pretend that this doesn't bother me, not like he can't tell when I am lying. We got to the door, I grabbed the handle and opened it. In a second everything became dark and I couldn't see or hear anything. I was alone and even if it was for a second, it felt like a very long time. I opened my eyes. I was standing in front of a cave in Greendale Forest and something was pulling me to get in, so I did. When I got into the cave I saw my mother. She was holding me; I was just born. She was alone.

"What's this place?"

I was pulled from my thoughts. I turned around to face him.

"I don't know, I mean it's obviously the place where I was born, but I don't know why we are here."

A sudden thunder and lightning grabbed my attention and then the Dark Lord appeared. He went closer to my mother and they were saying something but I couldn't hear them. I got closer but still nothing. They were making some kind of deal and then my mother gave me to him. He was holding me for a few minutes before returning me to her. I don't see anything strange here, he was known to make this kind of appearance. Behind him, another door appeared. I looked at the man who I've been talking to for the past few months. He was looking at my mother and me, baby me, not me now.

"Hey, come on."

He went past them and came to where I was. I grabbed the handle and opened the door. This time instead of darkness, a flashing light blinded us and in the next moment, we were inside of the Spellman mansion.

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