Come, come, the truth is out - Part 3

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'Sabrina came to Lilith'

Paradox? Why would...? Never mind. - Lanuae magicae


The only important things from this conversation are the manifesto and Sabrina's stupidity. I went back to the Mansion leaving Paradox there to call me when something happens. I helped Hilda in banishing Constance's ghost. It was sister Jackson. We decided that it is best to finish her once and for all. Hilda and I made some cookies. I was going to stay with her, but Paradox called me, again, so I had to leave. As far as trust goes, I can only tell Paradox, Ambrose, and V, if he ever contacts me again. As for the rest of the Spellman's, only Aunt Hilda is not on my hate list.

I teleported in front of Wardwell's house, the third time this day. I feel like I know every single tree here. She is going to get away with Adam. What? She cannot do that. I don't know everything. I was about to leave, but Paradox stopped me.


He is right, there is something awfully dark. The Dark Lord will come soon. I heard glass breaking and looked thru the window. He was here. She was so scared when she saw him.

"The temple has yet to fall. The mortal is a distraction. Get rid of him, Lilith."

Ok, that's it, I have everything I need. Now I have to get out of here before he sees me. - Lanuae Magicae

I teleported at the same time as Ambrose. He was all covered up in blood.

"Ambrose! What happened?"

"He's dead!"

"Who is dead? Ambrose talk, calm down and talk to me."

"I was guarding his chambers and there was blood. Oh, dear Lucifer, the Anti-Pope is dead and I don't remember how or why or who! It wasn't me, you, you have to believe me!"

"Ambrose calm down. Of course, I believe you. You would never do that. "

We heard a loud bang downstairs. It was Blackwood.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! I didn't do it, I didn't!"

"Ambrose calm down!! I will take you some place safe. Come on!"

I took his hands and - Lanuae Magicae!

We teleported in Dorians' Grey room. I come here very often, yea it's forbidden for witches, 'only warlocks', but we came to an agreement. Well, more like he's letting me stay because he is afraid of me, agreement. But we got past that, and we are really good friends.

"Unholy Satan! What are you doing here Sephone?"

"No time to explain Dorian! You need to hide Ambrose somewhere."

"Fine, but you owe me an explanation. Come on."

He opened a hole in the wall and went inside, while Ambrose put glamour to look like Dorian. He quickly closed the wall and we sat in the bar waiting for danger to pass. I still don't believe it, Ambrose is not capable of such things, a pretty big scare that leaves you paralyzed for the rest of your life, yes, but a murder, never. Judas boys came and searched the place.

"Come back as often as you like, boys. I do adore man in uniform."

I was laughing so hard inside, but I waited for them to be gone so that I could burst.

"That's a nifty trick. Hiding in your own portrait."

"It's hell in there, literally."

Ambrose started to blackout, both Dorian and I just froze as he turned from us. The mouse came out of Ambrose's mouth. Ew!!!

"Leviathan? Oh, dear Satan! The damn mouse was never missing, he climbed inside me. Why?"

"To control you, perhaps."

"Wait, Ambrose, wasn't he a gift from Blackwood?"

"Yes, but why..."

He stopped in the middle of the sentence. We all looked at each other and knew.

-Father Blackwood killed the Anti-Pope!-

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