The Returned

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I was in my chambers getting ready for today when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."
"Hello Calisa."

I ran to him and hugged him.

"But how?"
"I have no idea. Every soul can come out of its pit. No one knows how, but they don't really care."
"Hmm, I think I have an idea as to why. Come on."

I made my way to the Pandemonium and I just couldn't believe how someone could be this stupid.

"What part of 'if you come back I'll kill you' did you not understand?"
"Please Calisa, I need to know what he knows about Satanic Panic."
"No, you..."
"It's alright, for now. I was their manager. From what I recall, they let me down by burning to death, so I dragged them to Hell for killing that poor, sweet girl, Peggy Lou Simcox."
"Well, they are back in Greendale, causing trouble."
"Yes, Sabrina, we know that the dead are coming back. Still don't see why we should care."
"Thanks to your latest Eldritch terror, the Returned, Hell's like a sieve. Damned have been slipping through left and right. We're on it."
"So, you'll reclaim Satanic Panic?"
"No, not them. I'll let them stay. Cause a bit of havoc. Have a little fun. Still a fan of their music."
"You know, for a Prince of Lies, you are a terrible liar."
"Careful, Sabrina." - I said
"You can't drag them back. They're part of the Returned. Till their champion is beaten, you can't do anything about them."
"On the contrary, I'm managing them again."
"Satanic Panic kidnaped Harvey's dad who didn't do anything wrong."
"Yes, he did. He snitched, which I despise."
"Can you at least get them to release Mr. Kinkle?"
"Why would I do that?"
"Because, uh..."
"Because nothing. No, Sabrina, we will do nothing. Now leave, before I change my mind and kill you."

She left. Finally...

"We have the battle to organize. Come, come..."
"Cassius you coming? Cassius!"
"I am fine. One of my, uh, associates contacted me. Lilith got a hold of the Spear of Longinus."
"WHAT! How?"
"He doesn't know. But he saw her with it. She was about to kill herself."
"But she didn't?"
"No, he will keep me informed."
"And you will keep us, right?"
"Of course."
"You are an idiot, you know that. You gave them a name to use against Satanic Panic."
"Well, nah, I don't care. WHO'S READY TO BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!!!"
"Dramatic much..."
"Now I know all you twisted little freaks are here for the Battle of the Bands. So let's get this party started. SHALL WE? First up, a personal favorite of mine. They're bad to the bone. They are Satanic Panic!"
"I will say it again: dramatic much..."
"Shut up."
"Wasn't that fun. But I think it's clear, the winner is..."
"The battle's not over."

Oh for the love of...

"Sabrina. You never give up, do you?" - I asked, rhetorically.
"Very well. We have one final band, a latecomer, I give you..."
"We are the Dark Mothers!"

Now that is too much dramatic.

"Something is wrong."
"I can feel that, thank you very much."
"Oh, great. There is Peggy..."
"We are the Dark Mothers, and we just SNATCHED this Battle of the bands!"
"Very well sung Sabrina."
"Go to Hell, both of you."
"You know what? I think we will. But be careful, Sabrina. Next time you will not be so lucky."
"Lilith killed Lazarus because he didn't want to give her child back."
"And now?"
"He doesn't know what she will do next. But, she did gain favor from Mambo Maire, who turns out to be..."
"Baron Samedi."
"Yes, how did..."
"Prudence told me. She saw him before he put a glamour on once. So, Lilith got a favor. That is not good. Thank you Cassius, but I can't stay here any longer, I have to go back to Pandemonium and tell this to Lucifer."
"Of course. But let me ask you one question."
"Are you happy?"

That was not a question I expected to hear.

"Honestly, I don't know. I guess I should be, right? But after Dorian died, I am just feeling numb or angry."
"You look happy when you're with Lucifer."
"We understand each other better than anyone ever did, so yeah, you could say that I am happy."
"Good. You deserve it. Goodbye Calisa."
"See you soon, Cassius."

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