Another slap echoed through the dark basement. My supposed 'bedroom'. I could feel the heat of the slap radiate off my face into the surrounding darkness.
I try to look up into her emotionless gaze but I stop myself before she sees the tears begin to well in my own.
As she walks out, I drop to the floor. Hearing the slam of the door and the squeaking of the deadbolts being locked. My hysterical sobs come out muffled as I hug my knees tightly against my chest.
Why is it always me?
Why am I always the unlucky one?
I grab ahold of the small locket around my neck for comfort. Looking down at the gold swirl carvings around it, my sobs turn into a full on cry as I think back to my parents who were always here to comfort me, but now they're gone and I'm stuck here with the Angela.
The woman my father remarried and then left me to suffer with.
At first, she was sweet but there always was an underlying bitterness about her. I guess that sums up almost everyone. The day my father passed her true colors shone through and I saw the side to her that no one else saw. The ugly side. The manifestations of her dark unconscious.
She likes to hurt me. She likes to make me live in fear.
The traumatic flashbacks of events almost always seem to resurface in my mind, instead of having happy memories lulling me to sleep, I have dark secrets keeping me awake.
I still think about them sometimes, my parents. I was never told about what happened to them but I saw what happened to my father. I saw the bullet wounds that had pierced through his skin over and over in a malicious, dark attack. I saw the puddle of blood enveloping him.
I saw it all.
I was shielded from the reality of the situation, but even now, I still don't know what happened.
It felt as if the claustrophobic room was closing in on me once again, but this time I need to get out.
I can't do this anymore.
My eyes dart towards the wooden cupboard with the broken door, opposite me. I get up slowly, being careful not to touch my new injuries. I grab my black duffel bag from the far corner and start to fill it with my limited wardrobe options. I then reach under my mattress and pull out some cash that I've been keeping in case of an emergency, and place it into my bag.
I go over to the mattress and lay down, as the loose springs push into my back.
'It will all be over by tomorrow' i think to myself before closing my eyes, plunging back into darkness.
Ciao my loves I hope you are all well! This is a short chapter to start the story but we are going to get deep into it soon enough. I love you all so much stay safe!

Aces & Spades
Romance||completed|| "If loving her is a weakness, I am only a weak man." - Massimo Giordani Massimo Giordani. Even thinking about him sends shivers down your spine. A cold blooded killer and leader of the notorious Ace Mafia. He stops at nothing to get w...