I hear a faint ringing from the small alarm clock next to me. I groan as I slowly open my eyes, the ringing getting louder. I slam my hand down on the small red box shutting it up in an instant. I sigh as I think back to the events that happened a few hours ago.
How could he do this to me?
Feeling the burn of my eyes from last night, I ignore it and get up to have a quick shower before starting my shift. I grab the small pink shower bag, along with my towel as I walk down the hallway to the bathroom. I turn the tap onto the hottest degree before drenching myself under it, allowing it to burn my skin. I stand there for a few minutes before I wash my hair and body.
By the time I reach my room, I only had ten minutes before I had to start work. I quickly pulled my uniform on, twisting my hair into a tight bun, as I rush out of the room into the kitchen to make it just in time.
"Good Morning!" Beth says with a cheery smile.
"Good morning." I reply with a small smile.
Maria moves from around the kitchen island to give me a hug before whispering into my ear "Oh my god Bella you need to tell me what happened with uh-"
"What are you talking about Maria?" Beth says as she raises one of her eyebrows. Maria and I snicker together as Beth watches us trying to hold back her smile.
"N-nothing how did you even know I was talking to Bella about anything?" She asks. Even though Maria was two years older than me, she still acted like a child sometimes.
"You can't whisper to save your life!" Beth replies as we all erupt into fits of laughter. After a while, we settle down as Beth hands me my list of rooms to clean today. But one of them catches my eye.
"Um Beth am I meant to clean Mas- I mean Mr. Giordani's room? I thought that he didn't want anyone in there."
"He told me he trusts you enough to clean it- which is quite strange as he has never let anyone else tidy it up apart from me." Massimo trusts me? "Right, we have breakfast in around thirty minutes, and I know that the men are going to be hungry today- I've heard that they are going after Spades-."
"Wait who's Spades?" I ask, as my nosiness finally gets the best of me.
"Oh Bella, there is a lot to learn my dear. Spades is Aces' rival mafia. But they are- let's say- worse."
"I've heard a lot about them." Maria tuts. "Terrible things."
"Mr Giordani doesn't like us to talk about them girls. So lets stop before he overhears us." Beth says as Maria starts to take out the eggs from the fridge, cracking them onto the pan.
A couple minutes later, we hear the tapping of footsteps approach the kitchen. As I look up from the cutting board, I notice the girl from last night walk in.
Why was she still here?
"Elena? Oh, dear we missed you so much!" Beth says as she gets up from her seat to give her a hug.
"Aw I missed you too Beth, how is Louis?" She says in a sweet voice whilst eyeing me up and down with an ugly stare.
"He's good deary, he's going to do the gardening here today." Beth says with her usual smile.
I take this moment to take a good look at her. She was wearing an oversized basketball jersey. More specifically, Massimos' basketball jersey. I feel the anger pump through my blood as I continue to chop up the mushrooms vigorously, making sure to do a hard slam every time I cut another slice.

Aces & Spades
Romance||completed|| "If loving her is a weakness, I am only a weak man." - Massimo Giordani Massimo Giordani. Even thinking about him sends shivers down your spine. A cold blooded killer and leader of the notorious Ace Mafia. He stops at nothing to get w...