I open my eyes to find myself in Daniele's bed, wearing another one of his t-shirts. I try to get up but his arm snakes around my waist pulling me swiftly back to him. I let out a small squeal as I reach out to brush my finger through his short blonde hair. His eyes flutter open for a second, a slit of blue before gently closing, watching as a small smile appears on his face. I gently kiss the tip of his nose, before removing his arm and getting up.
As soon as I shut the bedroom door, I run down to the kitchen, taking out the carton of eggs and some slices of bread. I cook them quickly before placing them onto a wooden tray, along with a cup of orange juice. I waddle upstairs, trying not to spill anything.
Using my elbows to push open the door, I watch as Daniele's body shifts from him lying onto his stomach, to being propped up slightly by his elbow.
"Good morning." I say with a cheery smile as I sit down on the edge of the king-sized bed.
"Good morning beautiful." He replies giving me a lopsided grin.
I place the tray down in front of him as he looks at me surprised.
"You didn't have to do this Bella."
"I wanted to. Plus, you've been making all the meals since I've came here, it's only fair to give something back." I say as I watch him sit up. He takes the tray and places it on the bedside table next to him.
"I spent five minutes making you that and you're just gonna push it aside?" I say with a shocked expression as his deep chuckle fills the room.
"If this is how it's going to be when I wake up every morning why don't I just marry you already?" He says in his deep voice as I let out a small laugh.
"Slow down Romeo." I say with a smile as he grabs me, shifting atop of me. He holds himself up with his hands planted on either side of my shoulders. He gives me a small smirk before kissing me passionately causing a small fluttering feeling in my stomach.
"What's that for?" I say, not being able to stop the smile that was tugging at my lips.
"For being so beautiful. And here's another." He says as he gives me a small kiss. "And another." He says kissing me again. "And another." he repeats as he gives hundreds of tiny kisses all over my face before slowly going down my neck. He grabs onto the t-shirt I was wearing, tugging at it gently, as I help him pull it off.
He throws the crumpled shirt onto the floor, leaving me in the red lingerie I got yesterday. I take a moment to thank myself for deciding to wear it yesterday to dinner. I watch as he lets out a small grunt as he analyses my body, beginning to kiss down my stomach, feeling my scars and crevasses.
He comes back up giving me a gentle kiss before unclasping the back of my bra, leaving me exposed. I feel my face heat up slightly by the action as I watch him stare at me longingly.
"Don't be shy with me Bella, you know that I appreciate everything about you." He says continuing to watch me.
I feel myself relax slightly by his words as he goes down to suck my breasts gently, taking my hard nipples in between his soft lips, he caresses them with his tongue, causing small moans to escape from my mouth.
He leaves a flutter of hickeys around my breasts before bringing his lips back to mine. I feel his hard bulge pressing against my leg as I push him off of me gently.
"Is there something wrong?" He says anxiously as I turn my face away from him.
"I-I haven't done this before." I whisper. His hand reaches out to push a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

Aces & Spades
Romance||completed|| "If loving her is a weakness, I am only a weak man." - Massimo Giordani Massimo Giordani. Even thinking about him sends shivers down your spine. A cold blooded killer and leader of the notorious Ace Mafia. He stops at nothing to get w...