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A few months later...

"You really do have the eight-month pregnant glow." Maria states as I finish wiping down the kitchen counter.

I let out a deep out of breath sigh, wiping away the loose strands of hair from my forehead.

"I can't seem to fit into anything anymore!" I say with a humorous smile as I cradle my unborn baby bump.

Maria snorts as she finishes cutting up the vegetables. "That's why credit cards and malls exist."

I let out a small laugh. "And I told you that I'm saving up for things to buy for Rose. A new cot, some beautiful clothes that we can dress her in, some toys-"

"And I told you that as her aunt I will buy her these things-"

"And I said no. I will pay for everything myself. I don't want to be indebted to anyone, including you Maria. Thank you for the offer though."

"Stubborn Isabella." She mutters under her breath, loud enough for me to hear.

I continue cleaning up the kitchen even after Maria insisted that she wanted to clean.

"You allow the pans to 'self clean' in the sink for days. You really think that I'm going to let you do my cleaning job?"

I watch as a scowl crosses her face causing me to laugh.

"Who even uses soap for pans anymore?"

"Everyone?" I question back watching her chuck the pans into the sink.

"Why isn't Hannah here stuck to our asses?"

"You mean Anna?" I take a seat at the kitchen island, Maria turning around to lean onto the counter.

"Same thing." She says, causing me to laugh.

"I think she's with Massimo." I say, trying not to let my smile falter.

Maria stares at me with sorrow, beginning to open her mouth-

"Don't you dare apologise Maria!"

She quickly snaps her mouth shut.

"Tell me about you and Luca." I ask quickly, wanting to change the subject to a safer topic.

"Everything is going okay but, truth be told, he has been really occupied trying to find out who shot Massimo."

Yes, trying to find the person that ruined everything. That almost killed the love of my life.

"Have they found anything?" I ask with Massimo appearing out of thin air at the sound of my question.

"No." He answers stiffly. I whip my head around, my eyes locking with his, softening them slightly.

His gaze shifts down to my shirt, that's barely covering my growing belly.

"Why don't you buy yourself some maternity wear?" He asks the same question I've heard over and over again.

"Because, I'm saving up for supplies that I need for Rose." I repeat the same answer I've said in reply to the same question.

"Like?" He asks, his voice warmer.

"Like a cot, some clothes, some toys- just everything." I let out a sigh, the weighing thought making me flustered.

Maria looks at me, taking the hint to change the subject. "So boss, what are you doing here?"

"Anna isn't feeling well. I need you to make her some tea and something that won't cause her to throw up." His voice shifts back to the cold and empty one he has obtained.

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