His arms were still wrapped around my waist even when we pulled away from the kiss.
"When do you finish work?"
"Around three. How comes?" I ask as I look up into his emerald gems.
"I thought that since our last date got ruined, we could have a retry?" He says with a small smile.
"Our last date?" I say with a giggle.
"Was the ice-cream day not a date? I mean, why would you drag me all the way there if you weren't interested in me?" He says as his smile starts to grow.
"Me? Drag you along?" I laugh out, gently nudging him with the palm of my hand. He seizes the opportunity to grab it and kiss it causing me to blush.
"Do you want to go or not?" He asks still holding onto my hand.
"Of course I do." I whisper.
"Good." He kisses my forehead gently "I'll see you around eight sweetheart." He says as I slide my hand out of his.
I didn't even mind the nickname anymore.
"Oh, and-." I gently fix his hair with my hands. "That wouldn't have been very professional." I say whilst biting down on my smile.
He smiles back.
Grabbing the bucket full of cleaning supplies that was located next to his feet, I start to speed walk past him, closing the door shut as I went. I feel the butterflies in my stomach go wild as I think back to what just happened.
I sigh, shaking my head as I take out the crumpled list from my back pocket, to see what room I need to clean up next.
Around forty-five minutes later, the room was sparkling with all the bed sheets changed and all the surfaces dusted. I start to make my way downstairs to take a break in the kitchen. I didn't think that this job would be so tiring but here I am wanting to bury my head under my covers and sleep for an extra couple of hours before I meet with Massimo.
As I walk in, a smell of something sweet wafts inside my nose. I detect the smell, noticing that it was coming from the oven as I go to check on what it was-
"Hey- hey don't open the oven!" I hear someone shout from behind me. "The cannoli won't cook properly if you open the oven." Maria says as I turn to face her.
"Sorry they just smell so good, I really want to try one." I feel my mouth begin to water.
"When they're done you can taste one." She says with a small smile.
"When will they be done?"
"In around twenty minutes." She replies through her light laugh as I groan.
"Well, while we wait, you should sit down and relax. I'm sure that you're quite tired since the breakfast rush this morning."
"My god the men were like animals!" She says as we both break out into fits of laughter.
"How long have you been working here for?" I ask her intrigued as I take a seat opposite her.
"Around three years. I used to work at a restaurant, until one day, Mr. Giordani tried a dish I made and offered me to work here for double my usual wage. I couldn't refuse, so now I'm cooking here."
"He wasn't wrong about your food." I say with a small smile.
"Why thank you. Now, how did you get here." She asked as she propped herself up on the table with her elbows looking at me like a child.
"Well, mine is a little different. Mr. Giordani helped me from an uncomfortable situation and then offered me a job here." I say, trying not to give everything away.
"He is a good man. But have you met Luca? Wow- he just takes my breath away." She says as she stares into space.
"Why don't you talk to him then?" I ask, snapping her out of her trance.
"Me? No-no I'm just a chef and he well he is the consigliere of Massimo. It just won't work."
"But how do you know? Have you even talked to him?"
"Ive had my fair share of awkward encounters with him but none of it was formal."
"So... why don't you put on something cute and show him what he can be talking to?"
"I-I'm not sure-"
"Trust me, come on we can find something together."
"Well- okay but after the cannoli is ready."
"Yes, after I have around ten pieces." I say as we both laugh.

Aces & Spades
Romance||completed|| "If loving her is a weakness, I am only a weak man." - Massimo Giordani Massimo Giordani. Even thinking about him sends shivers down your spine. A cold blooded killer and leader of the notorious Ace Mafia. He stops at nothing to get w...