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I look at the trembling man in the chair. It was obvious that he tried to put up a fight as my men captured him, but I don't think he realizes who he is messing with now.

"So, you're the bastardo who tried to kill me is that right?" I growl out in frustration.

[Translation: bastard]

I hear him whimper under the bag over his head which I quickly pull off to reveal a middle-aged man.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask him. I walk around the metal table to collect my knives to start the torture process.

"I won't tell you!" He says in a hoarse voice.

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Are you really sure about that?"

Luca walks in holding a file containing everything about the man. I skim through it, only taking in the most useful information.

" Alejandro, wouldn't it be such a shame if Sienna wakes up without a father tomorrow?" I say, watching his face pale.

"You bitch! You won't touch her do you hear me?"

I bring one of my silver-plated knives with me as I re-approach him. "I guess you're too late."

"You're bluffing." He says.

I raise an eyebrow as I call out for Luca. "Get Sienna here. I want her to watch what happens to people like him." I turn back to face him. "As for you, I don't have the patience to wait to start hurting you."

I stab the knife into his thigh, twisting it as I did so. His hoarse cries sweep through the room, only fueling my rage even more.

I take my knife back out, placing the bloody mess onto the table. His body was shaking, he was on the verge of collapsing but I wanted more.

I go back to my selection, delicately picking out another knife until I hear faint footsteps approach the door.

"Papa?" The little brown eyed girl says. She stood by the doorway, clutching onto an old toy with Luca standing behind her. I couldn't help but feel a small pang of guilt at what she was seeing.

"Papa you're bleeding!" She cries as she runs into the room.

"I'm okay Sienna. Look Papa is fine." He gives her a weak smile as tears roll down her pink cheeks.

"Luca, take her to Isabella." I didn't know who else could help her apart from Isabella.

He nods his head as he gently picks her up and takes her away.

I watch the man in the chair weep.

"Look, I won't hurt her, or you if you tell me who sent you and why." I say watching him pull his head up to look at me.

"How do I know if I can trust you?" He spits out. If it wasn't for the girl, I would've killed him and disposed his body by now.

"You can either trust me or die."

He sits in silence for a minute before answering. "Mariana sent me."


"Isabella!" I hear someone shout as I put down my plate of eggs onto the kitchen counter. Luca walks in, holding a little girl with auburn pigtails.

"Where did you get her?" I ask as he places her down.

"It's the daughter of one of the men that Massimo is... speaking to."

I nod my head, knowing what that means. I crouch down to her height.

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