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Its been three days.

Three days since I told Massimo that I loved him, and we still haven't had a normal conversation. The last thing he said to me was that he had some 'work' to do today so I shouldn't wait to have breakfast with him. I sigh as I take a seat at the kitchen island, Maria was busy making breakfast for the men. Even though I insisted that I should help her, she refused and told me that she 'doesn't want me to burn the kitchen down.' I still haven't told her about what happened at Daniele's house, or what was said between Massimo and I. It's not that I don't trust her, it's just that I need to get used to the events first, before I explain it to someone else.

"So anyway, I told Luca that it was a bad idea but no, he went ahead and jumped into the river. He froze his ass off that day."

I let out a small laugh. I need to thank Luca for helping me that day, but he's been MIA ever since.

"That sounds like fun." I say as Maria plates up the eggs. I reach over to grab a plate, but she smacks my hand away.

"It was. Now you tell me, are you going to do anything for the boss' birthday?"

Wait- "It's his birthday?"

She gives me a blank stare. "You didn't know that it's your boyfriend's birthday tomorrow?" She says, bursting into fits of laughter.

I feel my cheeks burn red as I slap her arm gently. "No, he never told me and he's not my boyfriend. Well, it-it's not like that, we haven't named anything yet. Back to the birthday- It's tomorrow?"

I watch as she places the copper pan into the sink, splashing it with water, creating a small sizzle. "I didn't even know he had a birthday till a few years ago when Beth attempted to surprise him. Don't worry about it you still have a day."

I stare at her, my eyes going wide. "Does it look like a day is enough for me to find a present for him?" I rub my fingers across my temple.

"I'm sure that Beth can help you. I mean, she did raise him." I nod my head at her semi comforting words. I move out into the garden, spotting Beth's husband Louis, spreading compost over the freshly planted lilies. But Beth was nowhere to be found.

"Louis have you seen Beth?" I ask him as he turns around, wiping his muddy hands on his worn-out overalls.

"She was here a minute ago. I'm sure she probably went to the gazebo my dear." He says, his wrinkles shifting with every word.

I look down at the flowers, a small smile spreading across my face. They looked beautiful. I bend down, stroking the colorful petals in between my fingertips.

"They really are magnificent, aren't they?"

I nod my head whilst he bends down next to me. "These are the lilies that Mr Giordani ordered straight from Italy."

"They look perfect here." I say.

We continue to talk about the other types of flowers before I thanked him, treading carefully across the freshly primped garden towards the white painted wooden gazebo, and sure enough, she was there adjusting the cushions.

"Beth, I need your help." 

"What is it you need help with dear?"

I explain to her what it is, occasionally rambling on about how I don't know anything about Massimo.

She told me all about how she raised Massimo, when his parents weren't there to see him grow. She spoke so highly of him, like a real mother. I can see why Massimo cares so much about her. 

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