I couldn't stop the pounding coming from my head as I try to pry open my eyes, but all I see is black. I try to bring my hands up to my face, but they were tied down, connecting my body to a cold metal chair. I let out a small scream, but it comes out muffled from the cloth that was covering my mouth.
I let out a series of muffled screams until I hear the door slam open. The clicking sound of heavy footsteps inch their way closer and closer until finally, the blindfold is ripped off my face and I end up staring into the strangers' eyes.
His ocean blue eyes contrasted to his blonde buzz cut, as he stared down at me.
"What do we have here?" The man says as he takes out a small silver dagger from his pockets and starts sharpening it on the table. I let out a small scream as he turns to face me, anger blaring through his eyes. I watch as he leans down so that his hands were on the armrests of the chair, his face directly in front of mine.
"Don't fucking scream do you understand that? No one can hear you." He whispers, his hot breath fanning my face. I fight back the burning tears that were forming. I couldn't show this guy that I was weak.
"Who do you work for? And don't lie to me. I have a way of finding out everything." He hisses as he undoes the knot on the cloth around my mouth. I take in deep gulps of air before he speaks again.
"Well?" He shouts as he bends down, facing me. I grab all my courage, and spit in his face. I watch as he's taken aback slightly, wiping the clear substance with the back of his hand. He grabs onto the back of my chair, pushing it back. The searing pain was unbearable, as the metal collided with the concrete floor, causing shocks up my spine. I let out a scream as he pulls me back up, pressing the dagger against my throat.
"I'll ask you for the final time and I expect you to answer me properly. Who do you work for?" He says in an irritated tone.
"Why are you asking me? You're the one who kidnapped me so you should already know who I work for." I say, managing to hide the sound of fear in my voice.
He lets out a deep chuckle before taking the dagger, pressing it into my bicep. I let out a scream as the red liquid drips down my arm.
"Did you think I was playing with you?" He says as he brings the blood covered knife back to my throat. "I'll show you what's-" He stops and starts to look at my chest. I feel him grab onto my necklace, ripping it off my neck.
"Hey you can't take that!" I shout as he just stares at me blankly. I watch as he opens it up, staring back at me as his eyes soften from the dark blue that they were.
I wake up, feeling something heavy lying on my chest. I look down to see Elena's blond hair sprawled all over me. What the fuck happened? I grab her and push her off me quickly, before getting off the bed.
"Ow what the fuck Massimo!" She shouts, as I notice that she's wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts.
"Why the fuck are you in my room and where are your clothes?" I ask as my head starts to beat loudly.
"You really don't remember Gio?" I give her a blank stare, waiting for her to elaborate. "We had sex last night! Wow it must've been really good for you to forget." She says with a sly smirk.
"No no we didn't we didn't fuck, I-I don't remember." I say confused, trying to recall the moments before this happened.
"But it did Gio you told me to come with you and then you started to kiss me and then- well you know the rest." She says with a wink as she edges closer to me. I back away from her and grab my boxers from the floor, pulling them on quickly along with the rest of my clothes.

Aces & Spades
Romance||completed|| "If loving her is a weakness, I am only a weak man." - Massimo Giordani Massimo Giordani. Even thinking about him sends shivers down your spine. A cold blooded killer and leader of the notorious Ace Mafia. He stops at nothing to get w...