Chapter Forty-Three - Agust D

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Through his small peak Jungkook felt his fear double, maybe triple. He wasn’t even sure anymore. It wasn’t even fear that he was feeling now because he was miles past that point. His brain was clouding over and part of it screamed for him to run, even though his body wouldn’t cooperate with the plan. The other part was willing Yoongi to be there, saving him from not just this terrifying creature but the new animal that was now there.

Had he not been so worked up he would have been mesmerized by the beauty of this new being near him. They were as white as snow with stripes on it as black as coal, a complete contrast to itself, like Yin and Yang. The creature was tall as well, at least three foot ten inch on all four and it could easily be ten foot on its hind legs when it stood up, towering over all those around it, making this white tiger a very vicious opponent to all those in the forest at any time. The creature was strong as well, it was clear to see that it would be able to take anyone down without any effort at all. 

A white tiger.

They were beautiful, there was no denying that at all. They were majestic and surreal. Like any good predator in this world they drew you in with their unearthly looks, their complexion making you feel the need to be closer, to touch them and hold the being you can see, then once you were close enough to them they killed you. They took your life.

Like a siren.

This was no sirin though, this was a white tiger and it could be argued that they were more dangerous. At the very least this one was because they had a target and no one will get in the way of this hunter and their victim.

Jungkook just felt lucky that at this second he wasn’t the one that was on the receiving end of the animal. Of course that made sense though, who would go for the tiny bunny who would just roll over and die when you could have a fight with a savage wolf first. Have some fun food for a main meal then enjoy an easy dessert. At least that is what Jungkook thought the current situation was.

‘I have to run. I have to go!’ Jungkook thought, trying to make himself move and get away from here. He was beyond grateful that finally his body listened to the commands of his brain and he turned to run away from here.

It didn’t last long.

New arms were around his waist and holding tightly onto him so that he couldn’t move away. “Shhh, I’ve got you, calm down. You’re okay, Koo.” The voice said that was keeping him in place but he couldn’t calm down enough to even realise who it was or register that they knew his name. “Koo, it’s Rocky, you’re okay, you’re safe, I have you.” He promised him as he tried to keep Jungkook still. He knew he had to get the nestling to calm and he needed to do so quickly. “You are safe, me and Yoongi have you, we won’t let anything bad happen to you. Your mate is keeping you alive right now, just open your eyes and you will see, he won’t let that unbonded hurt you, not now, not ever.” Rocky said as he hoped to somehow calm Jungkook down.

Eunwoo was soon there and just in time as Jungkook got out of Rocky’s hold and was trying to get away. “Kookie, calm down.” He said, “Yoongi will be here soon.” Eunwoo said, not realising that he was already here because he wasn’t paying attention.

“He’s right there, Eunwoo, he’s the tiger but I can’t get Jungkook to calm down  enough to realise that.” Rocky said, panicking himself as he knew it was important to get the nestling to calm down or he could end off in a worse state then he already was.

Blood was still coming from the nestling's leg where they were caught by the claws of the unbonded and his arm was throbbing from where he fell on his arm. “Kookie, breath, look, Yoongi is right there protecting you.” Eunwoo said as he kept his hold on Jungkook and moved so Jungkook would easily see the tiger that now had the unbonded pinned and went in for the kill.

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