Chapter Nine - The Struggles

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Life had never really been the easiest to deal with for Jungkook and after the loss of his grandfather it got a lot harder since he then had to deal with everything on his own and couldn't rely on anyone anymore and he had to deal with everything on his own in life.

That was okay though as Jungkook was good at adapting and getting used to think. When he couldn't get used to things though he often tried to ignore them till they went away which is what he had been doing constantly for the last few days. He knew he shouldn't, he'd been told by his hyungs that if something was wrong then he had to tell them, he couldn't just ignore the problem. However, it was hard to overcome a habit that are about six or seven years old.

In all honesty, if it weren't for his hyungs asking he probably wouldn't have drank any blood over the past few days as he still just didn't feel comfortable admitting that he was thirsty when he needed blood. However, his hyungs just kept offering it to him and despite trying to make himself say no he never could. He'd had everyone's by now and they each had a different taste. Seokjin's tasted like hot chocolate, Yoongi's tasted like cherries, Hoseok's blood tasted of oranges, Namjoon's tasted of coffee chocolates, Jimin tasted like a vanilla latte and to his surprises, Taehyung's tasted of banana milk shake and he'd been practically buzzing for the rest of the day after that. When Jungkook mentioned to Tae what his blood tasted like he bragged about it to the others since as far as Tae was concerned, he was the one who had Jungkook's favourite blood. Tae let slip that Jungkook's blood tasted of bubble-gum to him which no one was really surprised about at all.

The talk that Namjoon said they were going to have hadn't happened yet which he was really happy about because he didn't really want to have the type of conversation he was pretty sure they wanted to have. The first day they didn't have the conversation he assumed it was because he was working with Jimin to plan his room and closet then he'd spent time with Tae playing computer games. When the second day came around and they didn't have the conversation he thought maybe he'd gotten lucky and both Namjoon and Seokjin had totally forgotten about it and he was very happy about that. He was wrong though, not only did Namjoon and Seokjin want to have that conversation with him but so did the rest of them now, they were just waiting to see if Jungkook would open up to them without them having to ask him to. That wasn't happening though and it was now three days since they first mentioned the talk. They planned on giving him a week to open up to them and if he hadn't by then they would intervene.

It was risky to do something like this since Jungkook might reach his breaking point. Namjoon and Tae were constantly watching his thoughts and emotions to see if he got too stressed before that week was up in case they needed to do something. They knew Jungkook was struggling, he was a pretty shy boy and now he had someone watching him the whole time and on top of that, his body was changing. He was getting faster and stronger and controlling it all wasn't easy, although thanks to Jin, that was one problem he didn't have to deal with. On top of that his instincts and brain were at war with each other constantly.

Jungkook whined slightly as he felt someone move next to him. He was currently cuddled up next to Jimin, falling asleep rather peacefully after drinking his blood. Jimin had been very clingy of him, wanting to do everything for him and almost always being with him. He guessed that was because Jimin just wanted to look after someone and didn't really get the chance to because Tae seemed to spend most of his time running about so Jimin couldn't really keep him still. Jungkook on the other hand didn't really mind it and so far, Jimin was the one he knew best so he was content to just stay with him even if that meant staying still or dancing. Finally dancing again was absolutely amazing, plus Jimin and Hoseok had helped him so much and praised basically anything he did which, embarrassingly, had made him crazy happy and as red as a tomato.

"Shhh, baby, it's just Hoseok." Jimin said as he kissed the top of his head with a loving smile. Jungkook couldn't help the small smile as he nodded his head a little bit and closed his eyes as he felt Hoseok cuddled into the back of him.

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