Chapter Two- Awakening

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Comfort was a basic necessity that everyone carved, anyone who told you otherwise was lying. Jungkook knows that as a fact. He'd lived without it for longer than he cared to remember.

His parents never really gave him comfort and since he'd been single for the nineteen years of his life that he's been alive it's not been attainable in the forms of a life partner.

He'd grown used to the lack of comfort but there were nights when he'd wrap himself up as much as he could,close his eyes and just imagine that someone was there with him, their arms around him and whispering things to him. It was sad and pitiful, he knew that better than anyone else did but he didn't care because it gave him the slight sensation of comfort he was starved of.

Sue him for trying to make himself a little bit happy in his otherwise dismal excuse for a life.

Needless to say, when Jungkook felt that sensation of comfort he'd caved so much while also being in the most comfortable bed he had ever been in he was beyond confused. He was not conscious enough to react to it or even know where it was coming from so he decided to just enjoy the feeling and curled up into the warm and strong hold a little bit more.

This felt nice. Really nice actually.

'So this is what heaven feels like.' he thought, guessing he must have died last night because of the vampire who'd bit him. He wasn't sad about that though as this felt really nice so what did it matter that he wasn't alive anymore if this was so nice.

He heard what sounded like a chuckle from behind him and soon felt a hand running through his hair drawing a purr like noise from him, naturally leading to more laughs from other voices. How many people were around him?

All the noise and the actions were bringing him closer to consciousness and he was able to register that he was snuggled into someone in front of him and another person was behind with him. From the laughs he heard before he also knew there had to be more than just those two people.

The thought unsettled him and he found himself trying to fight the fog in his brain, stopping him from waking up fully. He needed to know what was going on, he needed to know who was there and where he was.

"Hyung, he's panicking." Came the voice from last night, the one that had sounded so sad. The voice sounded worried and once again Jungkook decided it didn't suit him at all. It was kind of painful to hear the voice sound like that.

"He's okay, Tae, he's just not sure where he is. You were worried when you first woke up, remember?" Came the reply of the man behind him. The voice was so deep and attractive, but also warm and comforting. Jungkook loved it a lot.

"Give him room, it's not nice to awaken while trapped by strangers." Another voice now chimed in. That voice sounded so rather authoritative but deeply caring, not a combination the boy had ever heard before.

The people beside him moved but he just felt the weight go to the bottom of the comfortable bed he was on so they hadn't gone far. With the warm arms no longer around him he felt himself gaining his consciousness back. With a lot of effort he managed to get his eyes to open but his body felt weighted, as if he'd not moved for hours so sitting up took a whole lot of effort on his end to do so.

As he sat up he saw the window before anything else and it seemed to be dark outside but he wasn't sure how that was even possible. His body told him he'd been in the same position for hours so the sun should be shining in on him.

"You've been unconscious for a whole day, Kookie." He heard the deep voice answer the question he'd not even spoken out loud. He was quick to turn to the direction of the voice only to see six sets of eyes on him. Two people sat on the bed, two stood directly opposite and one beside each man on the bottom of the bed.

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