Chapter Seventy Four - Building

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Once everyone had all their tasks done and the house was completely clean and cleared from other scents, Yoongi and Jin went into the kitchen and started making a giant feast for them all. They made a chicken and noodle soup for starters, then everyone's individual favourite meal for their main and lots of small cup cakes and pancakes for dessert.

"There's so much food here." Tae said with a shock as he poked his head into the kitchen to see how Yoongi and Jin were doing. He walked over to the windowsill, where Jungkook was sitting and drawing.

"I know but any soup that is left over can be heated up tomorrow or frozen, the main meals aren't too big and I'm sure that between the seven of us all the desserts will be gone by the end of tomorrow." Jin said with a smile.

"If it seems like if there is too much close to the end of tomorrow, we can always just take some over to the Park nest, it'll be okay." Yoongi said with a smile, "Do you want anything while you're waiting?" He asked.

"I'm okay. I just wanted to see how it was going." Tae said as he looked to what Jungkook was drawing in his sketchbook and a bright smile came to his face, "This looks so cute," He said as he saw Jungkook was drawing what looked like a bunch of animals together in a field, some playing with each other while others were standing back and watching over them. "Hey, that looks like Agust D!" Tae said with a happy laugh.

Jungkook looked to Tae with a small blush, "They're all of us." Jungkook said, "The tiger is Yoongi-Hyung, Jin-Hyung is the stag, Hoseok-Hyung is the fox, Namjoon-Hyung is the wolf, Jimin-Hyung is the cat, you're the dog, and I am the bunny." Jungkook said with a small smile.

As Jungkook spoke, Taehyung could see their own characteristics in the animals on the page. The way Jin stood so tall and watched over each of them, the way Yoongi was sat ready to attack anything that was a threat to them but also couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Jimin, himself and Jungkook. Hoseok was in the field running over to his maknae so that he could play with them. Jimin was fighting with Namjoon, the cat on its hind legs while the wolf's head was bent down, looking like it was about to gently knock the cat down. The dog was looking over to the fox, like he was about to run over to them for someone to play fight with. The bunny was looking at a butterfly, looking like it was going to chase it.

"This is amazing, Kookie, you're so talented." Tae said, unable to take his eyes off of the page, "How does a person get to be as beautiful and gifted as you are?"

"I-it's not that good. It's just a doodle." Jungkook said, his face bright red as he fiddled with the pencil and looked at the drawing he had done. "I was just bored and wanted something easy to draw."

"Can we see, bud?" Jin asked as he walked over with Yoongi to see the drawing.

Jungkook covered the picture as soon as he heard Jin speak before nodding and turning it around so that his oldest hyungs could see his drawing. "It's really not that good, it's just me messing around."

"This is just a doodle? Kookie, this is so cute and so well drawn." Yoongi said as he picked the sketch book up and looked at the whole picture, his eyes wide, "Could you draw this again but bigger so we could hang it up in the house?"

"Wh-what? No. No one would want that, hyung." Jungkook said with a bright blush on his face, "It's just a silly little thing." He said. He wasn't even sure why he had drawn it or where the idea had come from. He wasn't even sure why he drew it; he just wanted to draw something that was related to his mates but not so obviously.

"Of course, we would want that doe-eyes." Jin said as he looked at the picture. "You don't have to if you do not want to, but we would all love it."

"What's going on?" Jimin asked as he and Hoseok walked into the room and saw all their mates close together, "Oh, did Kookie draw something?" He asked, seeing them holding the sketch book.

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