Chapter Nineteen - Revenge

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Jungkook relapsed.

Jungkook had been doing so well with getting over his parents and their lack of love for him. He'd been learning more about powers and he'd been asking questions and just seemed to be radiating his usual joy and happiness, or close to it.

He was always found with his head in one of the books Namjoon had supplied him, reading more into the powers that vampires had, what they can do and why some people are given the gifts that they are given.

When he wasn't reading any of the books he was telling his mates about it. They never stopped him, even if they did already know everything in the books. They just enjoyed listening to his voice.

"Did you know that the gifts are also given in order of creation and the amount of risk they should take and where they would be most useful based on their personality. So I've been trying to decide the reason for everyone's gifts. So far I think Jin-Hyung is a healer because he wants to be the one who makes us healthy and cure us of any illness. Then Yoongi is a cat because they're secretly affectionate." Jungkook would say and went on further and further, explaining his theories and they were impressed with how much he had right but he was still pretty far off the, it was a long story that would take a while for him to learn it.

That was only a day after Namjoon had taught him the basics and given him the books. It was now two days later and Jungkook had once again done something very stupid that he knew he should do but that seemed to be a common thing at this point.

See, all people with a working brain tend to do the same thing from time to time. When they're upset for what may seem like no reason, they go and search for something that will give them a reason to be upset or make them more upset. So he went onto his phone and onto Instagram where he searched up the accounts of his parents for some stupid reason and looked to see if they had posted anything. Maybe a part of him was just hoping that maybe they did care and that they would have said something there so he could just feel like maybe a small part of them did care.

Needless to say, there was nothing there to show that to him. He had gone on and saw his old gaming console being posted, telling people they could buy it if they wanted to, along with his computer. Then there were posts of them going out with some friends. There was even one of his parents kissing and smiling, something Jungkook hadn't ever seen before, or at least he couldn't remember seeing anything like that.

That led to tears again and all the progress that had been made started to disappear. He was unmotivated again, he hadn't wanted to get out of bed that morning and he'd not been interested in eating breakfast.

"I'm sick of them. We can't just let them get away with this, we have to do something about this!" Jimin snapped as he looked at Jin, not caring how disrespectful he was being right now. He was furious at the minute. He was ready to actually kill someone if no one did something soon. "He's in there, in pain and miserable, because of them and we're all just sitting here doing nothing about it!"

"Are you finished yet?" Jin asked him. He didn't appreciate the way Jimin was talking, it was like he was accusing him of not caring. He didn't appreciate the shouting and disrespect either but that was a lot easier to ignore given the circumstances. He was just trying to hold all the anger back and not say anything until Jimin calmed down.

"J-Jimin-Hyung, you need to calm down." Taehyung said, not wanting the anger turned onto him but he didn't want his mate to get anymore told off than he was definitely going to end off being. He knew there was no way Jin was just going to let him get away with talking like that, he just hoped that Jin would wait till later to tell him off as that wasn't what was important right now.

"Calm down!" Jimin snapped as he turned to Taehyung, "While they're all sat there doing nothing to the people who should be dead for what they have done?" He, rhetorically, asked.

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