Chapter Twelve- Nesting

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This felt so perfect right now.

This was exactly the sort of comfort Jungkook had wanted all of his, even it he hadn't been aware of it until now.

Yoongi has carried him through to his room so he could get his pajamas on before he'd carried him to the nest room before putting him down and telling him he could arrange all the pillows and blankets in absolutely anyway he wanted to.

It had been so much fun to run around the large room to place everything exactly how he wanted it and he'd changed it many times to make it how he wanted it to be. He'd used a whole lot of blankets to make it soft enough to sleep on, even it there was already a cushioned base. Then he'd built up sides so that it resembles the base of a nest. From there he had randomly placed and removed pillows to try and achieve something that just felt right to him, something that told him it was perfect for his mates and would result in just feeling safe and secure. It had took him about twenty minutes to finish organising the pillows in a way what pleased him and then the blankets took a further ten minutes.

Yoongi has watched him the whole time, their youngest making the nest that they'd all lie in that night and cuddle up in. It had been so cute the way Jungkook truck his tongue out when concentrating and the slight jump of happiness that Jungkook did whenever he'd worked out where he felt something belonged. It was adorable. He'd watched him struggling with he blankets and asked him if he wanted any help with it, the nestling had shook his head, clearly wanting to do this all on his own and the second eldest was fine with that, as long as Jungkook was safe and happy.

By the time Jungkook was done, he was pretty exhausted, he'd not expected it to take that much energy out of him. He was very grateful his sunburn was gone otherwise he wouldn't if been able to do anything to make the nest as well as he had.

He'd been surprised when it had went away so quickly, the burn. After Jin had applied the after sun and he'd had a cold shower it had settled a lot, then with a lot of blood from his mate, he must of drank from them all at least once that day, and some healing spells done amazingly by Seokjin, he'd been pretty much as good as new, although he was told his skin would still be incredibly thin and weak so he'd need to be extremely careful. Well, they said that he needed to be careful but not really since they weren't even going to let him anywhere near natural light for a long while, they just hadn't wanted to talk about that today. Today was a day of comfort and healing, the rest would have to wait until the next day.

By the time that the others came into the room, Yoongi and Jungkook were already cuddled up to each other in the middle of the latter's creation, Jungkook looking like he was going to fall asleep at any second and Seokjin made sure to take a picture of the two of them, smiling as he showed the others who cooed over it.

"I'll be back soon, Bunny." Yoongi whispered as kissed the top of Jungkook's head, he was still in his clothes so he needed to get changed so that he could go to sleep. The small whine he got as a response to standing up was absolutely adorable, it made him want to just stay there and not leave ever but he had to get changed so he got up and left.

He was soon replaced by Jimin and the other lay down around him, all cuddled close up to each other and Jungkook was very happy, this felt so perfect, wall, almost, he wanted Yoongi back as well. They were laying with Jimin hugging him and facing him while Hoseok was hugging Jimin. On the other side, Taehyung was cuddled into Jungkook's back, with Namjoon cuddling Tae and Seokjin big spooning Namjoon. Still though, Jungkook was very much aware that Yoongi wasn't there and he wanted him to be with them. He wanted all his mates.

"He'll be back soon, Kookie." Namjoon told Jungkook as the youngest felt Tae hold him a little closer to him again, like he had been most of the time after he'd been back, Taehyung had been so worried about him the whole time he'd been gone that he'd tried to not let Jungkook out his sight or arms.

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