Chapter Seventeen - Becoming One's Self Again

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"Why did I expect you five to be working?" Jin asked with a small sigh and a very found smile as he walked into Jungkook's soon to be a cinema room.

They five (Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi) were still just cuddled up on the round sofa in the room, Jungkook smiling lightly and feeling a little better, which was a nice brake for him, Namjoon and Taehyung who were all struggling with the negative emotions and thoughts more than the others in the nest.

"We decided that we should just relax and you two could do the work once you go here." Jimin said as he looked over to Seokjin with a smile on his lips and stuck his tongue out at them. "This is a group project anyway so it was wrong to work on it without you two here."

"Any excuse not to work, right?" Hoseok said as he walked over to Jimin and kissed him lightly on the forehead. It was obvious that the two were only teasing the five, they didn't mind since it was clearly making their little Kookie happy and right now that was the top of their priority list.

"Come on then, lets get up." Yoongi said as he gently tapped Jungkook's arm so that the boy would get up, as much as he'd rather just cuddle with Jungkook he didn't want to make Seokjin and Hoseok do all the work on their own. When Jungkook made no move to get up he tickled his sides a little bit, since it almost always worked.

This time was no exception to the rule and Jungkook let out a small squeal before trying to get away from Yoongi's tickle attack, holding his arms out to Jimin, knowing for a fact that he would save him where as Tae would more than likely join in and Namjoon would just laugh and watch him suffer.

"Awww, sweetie, is he bullying you?" Jimin asked as he 'saved' Jungkook and held him close as the boy cuddled into him and went back to just relaxing. He honestly just wanted to be held right now, he wanted cuddles and comfort more than anything due to everything that was going on and what it had been doing to his mental health. He looked up a Jimin as he asked the question and nodded a little bit.

"Should I tell him off for it?" Jin asked Jungkook, trying his best not to laugh right now because the scene was just too cute. It hurt to see Jungkook with so little energy and a lack of motivation but what he just saw was their Kookie to a t. He always knew the best person to 'save' him from tickle attacks and how to get the response he wanted from them. What he just saw was their happy Kookie and it was adorable and hilarious as the same time and he cherished that moment no matter how fleeting it was.

"Yes please." Jungkook said with a small nod as he cuddled into Jimin a little more to make them all feel a little more sorry for him. This was the first time since the call that Jungkook had felt good enough to play a little bit as he liked to do and it made them all smile. Jungkook looked to Yoongi and stuck his tongue out at him a little bit with a very tiny giggle as if to say "Ha ha, I just got you into trouble" and it had everyone smiling and so happy. Their littlest mate was slowly becoming his adorable and happy self again.

"Okay, sweetie." Jin said before looking over to Yoongi, "That was very naughty, you shouldn't tickle attack him." He said with fake sternness in his voice as he tried not to laugh, which was very hard to not do. "Now I think you need to give Jungkook a kiss and hug to apologise." Jin said, knowing that would normally make Jungkook happy.

Yoongi smiled and went over to Jungkook, the boy waiting for him with open arms. He hugged him and kissed him lightly on the lips, "I'm very sorry for tickle attacking you, little prince."

"Apology accepted." Jungkook said, his cheeks very red, weather it was from the kiss or the new nickname which Jungkook secretly wanted to be called again, which Namjoon would let Yoongi know about in privet at some point, anything that made Jungkook happy had to be know about by them all.

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