Chapter Thirteen- The Talk

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There was so much tension in the air that Jungkook felt like he could cut it with a knife. All his mates were trying to act as they usually do but they were clearly on edge and waiting to do or say something and it was really starting to eat at him. If they had something to say he'd like them to just say it so they could sort it out.

Namjoon was very aware of what Jungkook was thinking and Taehyung knew exactly how he was feeling but they weren't going to speak up just yet. They all had a plan that they worked on together and they weren't going to brake that plan unless they had to and Jungkook being slightly uncomfortable wasn't enough for them to brake that plan. They would talk to Jungkook today about everything. They'd make sure that Jungkook knew to talk to them and not shut them out and they would find out why he had left. Namjoon had listened in on Jungkook's thoughts constantly since they got back and he'd expected them to tell him but Jungkook hadn't thought about it so even he didn't know why Jungkook had left.

Jungkook was sat between Namjoon and Taehyung who were currently acting the closest to their normal selves while Jimin sat opposite him and Jungkook thought he looked angry, like really angry. He'd never seen Jimin angry but he decided he really didn't like it.

Jimin was furious. Yesterday he had spent the whole day worried about Jungkook and wanting to settle their youngest but now he was furious with him. They had told Jungkook not to go out in the sun multiple times and they boy knew better than to go outside and yet he still had. He was sat between Jin and Yoongi right now as and they were trying to keep  him clam but it wasn't working, he was not happy with Jungkook at all right now.

Hoseok wasn't in much of a better mood right now, that's why he was sat at the head of the table, furthest away from Jungkook. No one was happy about what happened yesterday and they were all displeased by his actions but Hoseok was pretty furious with him. He had been so worried when Taehyung had said that Jungkook wasn't in his room and then when Hoseok used his gift to quickly check the house and he hadn't been able to sense Jungkook in the house he felt a sense of abandonment. He'd honestly wanted them all to leave that morning until after Jungkook had woke up so that the boy would understand just how it was they all had felt yesterday when they had woke up. Of course no one other than Jimin agreed to the plan so it didn't go ahead. Just when you have almost all of the day light hours to think about it you really have time to calm the fear and feel the anger.

So, needles to say, with all the tension in the air Jungkook was feeling really uncomfortable and he wasn't very hungry, in fact he could barely even eat despite how good Jin's food always tasted. He picked at it instead and just hoped his hyungs wouldn't comment about it. If he was being honest, he kind of wanted to hide away right now, he wanted to escape the tension that was making it hard for him to breath. 

It soon became clear to Jin that Jungkook wasn't going to eat anymore and his other mates were done so he stood up and cleared the table for them all. He knew they all needed to talk to each other about everything that had happened but he was worried about it because Jimin and Hoseok both seemed too angry for the conversation. He'd tried to calm them both and he'd given them both his blood in hopes that maybe it would mellow them out a little bit but it hand't worked. He was just going to have to hope that they just didn't blow up and snap at Jungkook as he didn't think they youngest would be able to deal with that.

"Lets go into the living room." Namjoon said once Jin came back into the dinning room. It would be best to just get the conversation over and done with so they could then enjoy at least a little bit of their moon light hours if they were lucky, which he wasn't sure they would be with how angry Jimin and Hoseok looked. He picked Jungkook up, even though the boy was perfectly capable and very willing to walk to the living room.

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