Chapter Thirty Two - Apologies

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Trigger Warning⚠️:

Yoongi lay back on his bed, letting out a deep breath as he looked up at the ceiling. He could hear Jungkook's crying in his head, he wasn't close enough to actually be hearing Jungkook's real cries but he heard them as he left the living room before and his brain was torturing him with the sound that he had heard.

He didn't regret what he did, he did the right thing. Jungkook was now terrified of unbonded vampires, or so he thought, so the boy would make sure to follow the rules and therefore Jungkook was safe and his job was done.

Still, he hated Jungkook being upset and knew the boy probably wouldn't want to see him and nor would the rest of his mates, he knew they didn't agree with his methods but he was doing what he believed was right for the rest of them. At least this way Jungkook was safe.

"So you're just planning on hiding in here all night?" He heard Jin say as his only hyung walked into his bedroom, Namjoon following him. Jin hadn't let Hoseok join them as he was almost positive that Hoseok would start shouting at Yoongi so he had sent Hoseok and the banana milks to the cinema room where the Maknaes were.

"Well Jungkook probably doesn't want me around and I know all of you aren't going to be happy with me so I might as well stay in here out of everyone's way." Yoogi said as he sat up so he could face Jin.

"I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to see you from what I have heard. I asked you not to do that and you did so anyway." Jin said as he sat at the end of Yoongi's bed.

Yoongi had the decency to look down and feel a little ashamed as he heard Jin say that. "I just want to keep him safe," He said as he looked back up, "if to do that I have to scare him then I'll just have to." he finished.

"Scare him?" Namjoon asked, finally speaking up after a while of just standing near the door, "That's what you think you have done?" He couldn't quite believe that. "You've not 'scared' him, you've crushed him. He hates himself right now as he feels like he is the reason the unbonded vampires are around. He feels like a worthless nuisance because you made him feel like that. He feels like he is a burden on us all and he believes that you hate him for it." Namjoon said, losing control a little bit there, which was unlike him but not completely unheard of.

"Namjoon, calm down right now or go join the others. Hoseok wasn't allowed in here and I will kick you out of this room." Jin warned, he didn't need to deal with a disobedient mate and an enraged mate at the same time.

"Sorry." Namjoon mumbled, he just couldn't help but be angry because Yoongi should know Jungkook would be hurt instead of scared by his words.

"H-he wasn't crying because he felt scared?" Yoongi asked, his eyes locked onto Jin's, there was so much pain and regret in his large brown orbs. "He thinks I hate him?" He hated that Jungkook could even think that for a second, he loved their little prince so much and there was nothing in this world that would ever stop him from loving the adorable little bunny boy.

Jin sighed as he saw the pain in Yoongi's eyes, "Namjoon, please leave, I need to talk to Yoongi in private." Jin said, never taking his eyes off of Yoongi the whole time. Once Namjoon was gone he opened his arms for his first mate and allowed Yoongi to cuddle into him like he could tell he had needed to.

"I just wanted to make him scared so he wouldn't go out, I didn't think he would take it that way." Yoongi said, feeling like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest, he had hurt their bunny.

"I know you didn't. Kitty." Jin said, kissing the top of Yoongi's head. He'd sent Namjoon out as he knew that Yoongi hated to be vulnerable in front of anyone but Jin. Sure they all knew Yoongi was sometimes upset but he liked to always seem okay in front of his maknae and only really let his fears and worries show when he was with Jin, it was just the type of person he was.

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