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y/ns pov:

the blaring of my alarm clock rang through my ears and i steadied myself up onto my bed, nearly hitting my head on the top bunk. i stretch myself out and pull my legs out to the side of my bed, kicking around to gain my consciousness. once im ready, i stand up and rub my eyes and dart my eyes at the top bunk. "missy?" i spoke softly climbing the ladder. "missy!" i hit her shins and she took a deep breath in. "what??" i crossed my arms nearly falling off the ladder. "school? did you forget that was a thing orr.." i said shrugging. she sighed and sat herself up, glaring at me. i smiled and hopped down to find my outfit for that day

(you can wear anything you want tbh)

you didnt make time for breakfast. your clock set back too far and you were already late for school "we gotta go, bye!"

(im skipping the school part bitch its too long and annoying)

you swung your backpack on your shoulder, walking next to missy as miss granada spoke. "you'll be staying in our underground stronghold, where the children of superheroes are kept safe while their parents fight enemy forces." you and missy looked at eachother and nodded looking ahead. "we can't afford to have even one of you fall into enemy hands." as you walked you notice how clean the workers looked. they were calm and collected, fast pace and didnt really seem to care about anything. it confused you but you didnt mind as you continued walking next to missy. at the end of the hallway by the door, missy suddenly spoke up. "do i really have to go in? because i wont fit in.. i just dont belong! i mean, im different from all of them." you smirked and concentrated on your back pocket to pull your phone out "you definitely are." as you reached to unlock it, miss granada snatched your phone and smiled at you. "no phones, only studies." you sighed out snd rolled your eyes as you continued walking. your sister didnt have the powers you did. you got them from your mom. telekinesis. all you had to do was concentrate on an object and no matter how much it weighed, you could still lift it. you had limits though, which made it harder to use them.

just after missy and miss granada had their 'promise' talk, you had already made it to the door and gripped your bag strap tighter. a gaurd unlocked the vault door and you and missy walked in, side by side. "everyone?" miss granada spoke out. "this is missy, and y/n. they will be joining you today." you smiled out at everyone, though your eyes immediately darted to the boy in the back. black hair, and a striped shirt. you flashed a smile but all he simply did was roll his eyes and look back at his laptop. you scoffed and turned back to miss granada. "missy, y/n, i'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there," she pointed towards the open seat next to a girl with puffy hair, "and there." miss granada pointed at the boy who rolled his eyes at you earlier. you sighed and walked towards the open seat, pushing it out as he shifted his stuff away. "and quietly continue your studies along with the other children!" you sighed and pulled out your study book, laying it open. "children.." miss granada spoke softly as you all turned towards her. "thank you all for respecting my rules. your parents will be very proud when i tell them of your exceptional behavior." she smiled sweetly before continuing "well done." before turning around along with the gaurd shutting the vault door. you turned back towards your laptop and heard a "shes gone!" before a loud eruption came from everyone. the boy next to you leaned in and whispered in your ear "im not gonna be nice to you." leaning back he threw his papers onto the floor, one of them getting onto your head "oopsies.." he giggled as you rolled your eyes and pulled your attention to the laptop screen.

after a while you were all watching the tv as your parents fought the supposed aliens. almost all of them have been captured, it was just your dad. you and missy were screaming through your bracelets telling your dad to get out. before you knew it, he jumped in and he was gone. you sat down, tears beginning to sting your eyes. "ladies and gentlemen...

the heroics have fallen."

a/n: a a a a a a hi welcome i know this is pretty short but its the best i could do 🏃‍♀️🦽

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