t h r e e .

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y/ns pov;

facemaker peeped his head through the vault door to catch the gaurds attention. i stood back in formation with the rest of the kids as facemaker made small talk. "hey, is that updog?" i couldnt help but snicker as the gaurd replied "whats.. updog?" missy slapped my shoulder and i stood straight up again, waiting for facemaker to finish. "not much. just living my best life over here. not like im totally up to no good or anything." he smirked and walked back into the room, throwing us a thumbs up. moments later, all 3 gaurds walked into the room and i couldnt help but smeer a little smirk on my face. "so dont ask us how we know this, but aliens are about to attack, aaand we're no longer safe here." missy said proudly with her hands on her hips. "this place is a fortress. nothings getting in. and im afraid no ones getting out, either. those are the rules." missy looked towards me and i winked, nodding as she turned back. "oof! then we're definitely getting out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards." missy advised before i continued, "like now."

3rd person pov;

all the kids quirked their eyebrows as the guard chuckled. "and uh, you think we'll just hand these to you?" you flicked your hair out of the way and stepped fowards a bit. "no, but it would have made this a whole lot easier." you turned your head to the boys in the corner of the vault, who were collecting cushions. "cushions." wildcard, facemaker and noodles stepped in front of all 3 guards, placing each cushion down in front of them. you couldnt help but laugh at their confusion. "what are these for?" you tapped guppys shoulder and nodded "tell em, guppy." guppy stepped foward, her arms crossed and her blue eyes staring up at the larger guard in the middle. "to protect your butts when you hit the ground." you winced when the guard went in to touch guppy "bad idea, man." you looked at guppy and whispered "do it." before you knew it the middle guard was on the ground. all of you just sat back and watched as guppy handled two of the guards. you couldnt exactly hear what the guard in the middle said, something along the lines of shark strength. you bent down and grabbed the keycard from his side pocket "shark strength that is, my friend." you flicked the card and winked, standing back in place along side missy. the third guard was already on the floor, which you assumed was noodles' doing since guppy was to busy with the last guard. missy stepped foward, one of the cards in hand "aliens really are about to attack, so we will have to leave your expert care until you and miss granada know what we know." once missy finished her sentence, the red lights in the room started flashing and the alarm started blaring. the last guard had pushed the emergency button, and now everyone knows whats going on. the door shut closed and fast foward mumbled "this was a bad idea." you turned your head to the boy in the wheelchair on the side "wheels, the next time this happens, dont let the guard touch the alarm! noodles, you take his jacket, and cuff them." noodles and wheels nodded in agreement, preparing to rewind to make the move. "what next time?? you kids aren't—" the fan that was moving earlier had stopped and started to rumble. wildcard jumped off the desk he was sitting at and looked back at the fan, backing into us.

missy and i turned around to see what was happening. purpled tentacles broke through the fan and started wailing around. "wildcard get out of the way!!" you screamed and motioned him to come near you guys. "i told you your plan wouldn't work!" you pushed your way through everyone "wildcard come here!" the tentacles wrapped around wildcard and lifted him up "no, wildcard!" missy and you yelled. as you waited for rewind you took an extra book from your desk and slammed it onto the tentacles, to prevent it from doing any other damage. "rewind, send us back! quick!" after a while of hitting it you were back in your same spot. but this time, wheels pushed himself towards the 3rd guard and ran over his leg to stop him to moving any farther towards the button. noodles took the extra cuffs and cuffed both of them, taking the larger guards jacket and running off. "single file line, like a fire drill!" wheels said pulling up behind everyone. missy counted then to make sure no one was missing. you and wildcard run up to missy just as the alien was about to bust through the fan. "beginners luck." wildcard spat at us before we ran through the door, shutting it and sealing it as it was before. everyone walked behind the curly headed lightskin boy as your twin sister shouted "noodles, stretch and make yourself tall!" everyone followed behind him, your e/c scanning everyone in the hall. "greetings, fellow grownups." his voice was deeper then it was before, which confused you since you thought he could only stretch his limbs out. "hey." a woman said to noodles. as we walked past the lady, she noticed how we looked like children and began yelling "hold on a second— hey!"

as you walked, you thought you finally made it out. the lights started blaring and the alarm went off, indicating the alarm was pressed. all of you started running through the halls as missy accidentally bumped into someone. "im so-" you grabbed her arm and pulled her towards you "no time to apologize, we have to run!" the woman turned back as you implement saw her face. "oh my go-" missy pushed you slightly towards the exit "just run!" you pulled away from the situation and joined the rest of the kids. the door was only a few more feet away and you could smell freedom. you stopped as the bars flung up, blocking you guys from the exit. "we're in trouble.." guppy gulped as you all turned back around. now you were all surrounded by guards waiting to capture you. "that was our only exit!" missy cried out as everyone looked around for another way out. wildcard looked up at the hinge in the ceiling "not our only one!" he pointed to the hinge as everyone looked up. "are you crazy?! how are we suppose to get up there??" he gave you a glare and put his hand out.

"trust me."

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