e l e v e n .

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y/n and wildcard slipped through different hallways, trying to find the door as to which kthe other kids were. "theres so many!" y/n huffed in frustration as wildcard stopped her. he sighed out and smirked, grabbing y/ns wrist. "allow me." y/n quirked her eyebrow as they both disappeared and reappeared right next to missy "woah-" y/n lost her balance a bit before rewind helped her a bit. "dude! you actually teleported!" yelled facemaker in excitement. missy looked at y/n "can you bring him up?!" y/n looked down and nodded "grab me, i have to go down!" y/n layed on her stomach, moving her self a bit foward so she was clinging onto the side with her waist. she looked down at slo mo, using as much power as she could to lift him up. once he was close enough to reach for her hand, he grabbed it and she yelled "pull me up!" wildcard and noodles flipped her back up, y/n yanking slo mo with her. slo mo placed the motherboard into noodles hands and he stretched out, placing the motherboard into the slot right as the timer hit 0. the ignition blared and the ground shook, y/n holding onto missy for support. the children shielded their eyes as a door parted open revealing a bright light. "whats happening?!" missy yelled back at ojo. "the takeover is happening." she said smiling. missy looked back as she saw her friends parents and her dad come out. "wait— so our parents were in the pyramid all along?" y/n walked back towards ojo "but i dont understand. whats the takeover?" y/n said tilting her head. miss granada walked next to ojo and explained "the takeover of power.. from your parents. you see— the next generation is always an improvement from the last." miss granada smiled at y/n and missy looking at eachother confused. "things are not heading in the right direction on your planet. and you children are inheriting earths problems, and need to be able to fix them. sooner tather than later."

time skip cause all that jazz is a n n o y i n g

y/n walked up to wildcard and his dad. she cleared her throat and smiled at wildcard. "you did good at there." y/n smiled at his words. "maybe we can start over?" y/n nodded and placed her hands to her sides. "hey, my name is wildcard. whats yours?" he said placing his hand in front of the girl "y/n moreno.

nice to meet you."

a/n: that do be concluding the book doe 😳 dont worry, the sequel is coming out tomorrow so you'll still have something to read 😵✋ ILY ALL <3

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