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i ran up to the door and pushed the key into the lock, twisting it quickly. a quick noise was made and the door parted open revealing the outside. i waved at everyone to come as we all ran out.

with the parents...

miracle guy had been banging his head on the wall for ages, trying to knock himself out of his misery. "how long has it been this bad?" anita points to miracle guy then looks back at her son. "you shouldve come to me." she said proudly and looked off to the side. "you?" marcus raised his eyebrow. he hummed and looked at his mother with a "no, not really" look on his face. "dont you remember what your generation was like when we took over?" marcus said convincingly causing his mother to tske everything back. "good point.. well, i guess its up to the kids." anita looked off to the side again then back at her son "the next generation is always more... powerful— more..." she spoke wildling her hand around. "evolved?" his son finished for her as anita pointed.

"i got it!" tech-no said proudly holding a bunch of cables. miracle guy lifted his head off the wall in excitement and looked at tech-no. "what? you figure a way out of here?" walking towards where tech-no was standing. "oh... no. i figured out how to switch on these security monitors." tech-no said plugging two cables together. the tv cut on behind him as he turned around to look at the scene behind him. "surprisingly intuitive." he turned back to the rest of the heroes and looked at them confused "what? at least now we can— watch something instead of sitting around yelling at eachother" he paused to remove the cables off his shoulders and sat down. "wait— whats this?" he pointed to y/n gripping onto wildcards wrist leading them both out of the room. "a capella?" ms. vox said softly walking over to the tv. all the hereos gathered around the tv watch their children escape from the imprisonment.

back with the kids...

y/n closed the door behind her, still holding onto wildcards wrist as missy asked "wheels, how much time do we have?" wheels spent no time replying and looked up from his tablet. "eighteen minutes!" y/n looked over at wildcard then missy before concluding "well then we need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover." wildcard stopped you from walking any farther and held a grip on your hand, pulling you back a bit. "us? are you nuts? we have to go free our parents and let them handle it." he said increasing the grip on y/ns hand. "no! theres no time for that! by the time we get there, they—" wildcard stopped walking and pulled y/n to the opposite side of missy "no! im through listening to you. when i woke up, everything was perfect, and then you come along and everything's a mess! if little miss no-powers is who you want as a leader, fine, follow her straight into alienville. but facemaker, y/n and i are gonna go get our parents." y/n tilted her head in confusing and pulled her head towards facemaker and in a whispery tone said "we are?" he nodded and stared at missy. "yes. right now." he pulled facemaker and y/n with him towards a different hallway. "guys, we have to stick together!" missy complained as y/n looked back sympathetically at her and ran through the other hallway. now missys tries were inaudible and it was just facemaker, y/n and wildcard. "alright, facemaker stop here." she whispered and looked at the hallway they were going to enter. "see that camera right there? when we walk into view— you and wildcard will switch places." she said switching her finger between the two. they both nodded as facemaker formed his face to look like wildcard. y/n turned around and shut her eyes closed as they exchanged outfits and turned back around to see they were done. "great. lets go."

"i dont understand. why did we split up?" facemaker said behind y/n and wildcard. "where are we going!" he whisper-yelled at the two who were walking at a fast pace. "how do you know our parents are this way—" wildcard stopped and turned to facemaker "okay, this is good." he looked around and let go of y/ns hand before facemaker began. "what do you mean, 'this is good'?" wildcard was obviously acting but it was hard to actually tell. "are you questioning my authority?" facemaker stared confusingly as wildcard. "uhhh.. i dont even know what we're talking about." facemaker shrugged. "really? the confused thing? thats what youre going with?" y/n placed her hands in between the two boys and pushed lightly to separate them "stop fighting! we're supposed to be a team!" wildcard wiped her hand off his chest as he pushed facemaker back. y/n stood back as it became a pushing contest both nearly falling to the ground. "stop!" y/n yelled as facemaker walked away from wildcard and y/n.

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