n i n e .

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right as i turned around, miss granada and two of her guards came through the door which stopped me from going any farther. "do you children have any idea what you've done?" i walked back to my place next to missy and bumped into the railing. "stealing one of our trains? turning headquarters upside down?" wildcard and i looked at eachother and shrugged our shoulders before turning back to miss granada. "flying an alien shuttle into outer space? hm?" my eyes were glued to her guards to make sure they didnt make a move. out of no where, a squeal escaped her mouth as she praised us. "well done! looks like we underestimated your abilities!" miss and i exchanged looks and turned back to miss granada. "and your leadership qualities." pointing to both me and missy. i raised an eyebrow in confusion as i hung to the railing bars listening to miss granada go on. "you took a huge risk, but it was the right risk. headquarters was attacked just minutes after you escaped. if you hadnt broken oit, you would have sll been captured!" this didnt feel right. this felt like a trick, something that would lure us back into her hands. "and now you've managed to lead us into the heart of the alien mother ship??" she gasped and hummed happily and continued "so proud." a smile spreading across her face once she said it. playing along was the best thing i would do right now. i sighed and tilted my head slightly before asking "wait.. so we're not in trouble..?" i spoke and looked over at wildcard "of course not! you are heroes." everyone around me seemed to believe what she was saying and started celebrating. i just sat there and watched her expressions to make sure she wasnt shitting with us. "missy." wheels called her name as i turned to the boy in the wheel chair "her vital signs are all over the place." pointing to the screen connected to his wheel chair. ojo pulled her ipad away from her chest and revealed a picture she had drawn. a silhouette of miss granada with.. alien tentacles? missys eyes widened and looked at me. just as she was looking, the president walked in and placed his hand on miss granadas shoulder. "save your breath, granada. they know." just as the president finished his sentence the people surronding us pushed their tentacles out "well then. round them up."


y/n and her friends were pushed into a small room. y/n was struggling to stay back, so the person holding her threw her a bit harder then the rest causing her to fall. wildcard walked up and y/n reached for his hand as he pulled her up. she dusted herself off right as slo mo was dropped. "quit the pantomime, slo mo. you didnt even scrape a knee." the boy on the floor smiled and shrugged before standing up. miss granada walked in after slo mo walked towards the rest of the group "oh good! just the kind of divise attitude ive been counting on. you kids are just like your parents." miss granada concluded. "the same in fighting, the same bickering. putting your egos head of your team." y/n and wildcard looked at eachother sadly as guppy pulled out her water. "take away her water." y/n looked at the younger who gasps in response to getting her water bottle taken away. "theyre too powerful together." rewind and fastfoward pointed to themselves as one of the gaurds whipped away fastfoward from rewind. ojo drew her ipad closer to her chest protectively "oh.. dont worry. i wont take away your little toy. i already know what your future is." miss granada uttered and stood up pulling out a key "imprisonment. life long." y/n used her powers to try and bring the key to her but miss granada just glared and used one of her tentacles to push her to the floor. y/n rolled her eyes and stood up dusting off again. "dont try to do that again, please." she chuckled and turned around moving towards the door. she left and locked the room as y/n sat down on one of the chairs in the room.

"how are we getting out of here.." guppy stammered. missy walked up to the door and back at us "i.. dont know." she blubbered and sat next to y/n. "i bet miss granadas been working there for years." face maker walked with his hands in his pockets. "they must've hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president." wildcard sat on the other side of you after making that conclusion. y/n rolled her eyes snd placed her face in her hands in defeat, "im such an idiot!" wheels exclaimed turning the tablet towards us "president neil anami. spell neil anami backwards and you have..." the words on the tablet decoded as he spelt it out "im an alien." scoffing softly y/n put her head on wildcards shoulder absolutely drained out of her mind. "everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning, but they've been here for years. planning this takeover the whole time." wildcard looked down at y/ns figure and tried to stay calm to not disturb her "and now, we're locked in this stupid cell with no way out." he smiled sarcastically at missy. she rolled her eyes and sassed back "youre welcome." y/n turned to guppy who was trying to break through the door "any luck?" she asked the small girl. "i need water. without water, i cant use my powers." she sat down angrily as facemaker complained "i need food. ny stomach hurts." in which noodles responded "my arm hurts.." wildcard had enough and turned to them, yelling slightly which made y/n jump up. "my ears hurt! we never shouldve come. you led us here." he complained pointing to missy as y/n let her head fall on his shoulder again. "you think i wanted us to get locked up in an alien ship!" wheels rolled his eyes and turned his tablet back towards him "it was all of us. we did it together." y/n shut her eyes and just wished none of this wouldve happened. "i wanna go home.." y/n could hear from the other side of the room. "me too." the twins said in unison looking at eachother "we all wanna go home." wheels replied "the key is figuring out how to get out of this room so we can make sure theres a home to go back to." missy sat herself up and looked at wheels "what did you just say?" missy stood up looking at the blue eyed boy "he said we all want to go home" a capella responded as missy turned to her "not that, the second part." wheels looked at missy confused but responded "figure out a way to get out of this room to make sure theres a home to go back to?" guppy whined in response "stop saying that!" wildcard sighed and look at guppy "keep it together." guppy glared at him. "guys..." everyone turned their attention to missy as she continued. "maybe its time to admit we're never getting out of here." everyone was surprised, even y/n "what are you talking about?" y/n propped herself up as wildcard looked st her sadly, as if he wanted her to keep laying on his shoulder. "what?" rewind responded. "i mean, lets get real. these walls and this door must be, like, two-feet thick. it's totally impossible." she said almost sarcastically. "wow! great attitude!" wildcard pointed a thumbs up and turned foward again. "yep. we're never getting out of here, and we're certainly never seeing our parents again, thats got sure." she winked at wheels and sighed, almost like she was acting. wheels caught on quickly and played along. "shes right. pretty soon we'll forget what they even look like. the way they smelled. it'll all just be-" wheels lifted his hand and snapped his fingers "gone."

"jeez, you guys are really bumming me out." missy winked at you and wildcard repeatedly. it took you a while to catch on but once you did you inaudibly "oh'd" as wildcard continued "but i guess this really is the end." y/n nodded in agreement "soon, our parents wont even remember our faces. we'll just be strangers to them." y/n sighed and looked down as everyone began crying "but im not ready for the end." rewind shook his head and looked over at fastfoward "i was just starting to think maybe my sister didnt hate me.." fastfoward looked confused scrunching her eyebrows "i dont hate you." they looked at eachother and smiled a bit "i love you." they said in unison. y/n crossed her arms and looked at wildcard "and i thought i was getting somewhere with wildcard." she said sadly and slid onto the floor pushing her back to the seat she was just in. "you are getting somewhere. i- i was just being stubborn." he sughed and slid down next to her. she smiled at him and then turned to missy. "that love we feel... is real." she wiped her tear before continuing. "its that love," she looked at her finger then turned it to us "that'll get us out of here." she smirked at y/n and wildcard, then wheels and rewind.

"why are you guys saying this stuff? its almost like you wnat everyone to cry- ohhh" it finally hit guppy as missy smiled at her "guppy, quick, gather all the tears!" y/n and wildcard wiped their fingers onto guppy hand, along with a capella, rewind, fast foward, noodles and facemaker. she stepped in front of the door and widdled her hands around making a replica key to the one miss granada had. a capella cam eup behind guppy and squatted down as she watched her form the key "what are you making?" a capella looked in amazement. "im making a key." guppy said proudly as y/n stood up and took the key, wildcard next to her. "little miss guppy,

you just saved us."


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