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you felt a jump of hurt in your heart as you'd just watched your father get swarmed into a herd of aliens. you looked over at missy, whos face had dried up tears and some still running down. you wiped your cheeks with your hand as you turned your attention back to the screen.

wildcard pov;

"though i hated to say it, i felt a pang of sympathy for the girls. this one though, y/n? she gives off a weirder vibe. but why do i feel bad? i barely know this girl and she hates me." my head raced with thought while i looked between the tv and the girls, sighing and turning my attention back to the screen as the woman continued speaking.

"we're getting word that the president would like to address the nation." i cleared my throat and sat up, my full attention on the screen now as the president spoke in an alarming matter. "people of america, as you have witnessed, the heroics have been captured. military forces are stepping in, mobilizing to bring our heroes back." the girl next to me finally pulled herself together and brought a few tissues from the other side of the room. 'telekinesis. nice.' i said to myself before darting my eyes back at the tv. "it's bad, it— it's hopelessly bad." i scoffed and sat back, crossing my arms at face maker spoke up. "how did this guy get to be president? he can't even put two sentences together." rolling his eyes.

y/ns pov;

just when he finished talking, the president spoke up again. "we have just received a message from the supreme commander of the aliens that has been decoded. it reads, "we are from the planet ogima. unfortunately we have no choice but to prepare you for.. takeover. please comply." the words takeover made everyone panic. the tension was thick as everyone looked around the room at eachother "or else earth will be destroyed. you have two days.. im afraid that was the entire message. there are no heroes left. God save us all." the president said before the tv cut off and silence filled the room. you and missy made eye contact. you could tell she had been crying, along with you. just as the tension settled, the tv cut back on again and it revealed miss granada. "children, for your own safety, we're going into full lockdown. no one leave your seats. as long as you stay where you are, you are all safe." i shifted back into my seat and pulled myself close. "yeah right. they can't protect us from that, we just saw it!" you sighed in agreement as the boy next to you spoke in a flat tone "you got a better idea?" guppy pulled your attention to the front of the class. "we should probably do what miss granada says." you nodded slightly before turning your attention to your sister by the desk next to guppy. "uh, pardon me, but—" she was shortly cut off by facemaker. "the last look on my dads face will haunt me forever." before mimicking his face. you never practiced for an instance like this. where you had to protect yourself from aliens??

"what do they want from us?" a capella spoke in a worrying tone. "do you think our parents are okay?" you straighted your back and leaned down on your chair, your arms making a rest for your forehead. you shot your forehead up, just remembering what missy told you earlier "uh, excuse me?!" you said holding your hand out slightly so everyone would turn their attention to you. "what?" standing up from your chair, you moved towards your sister. "we need to leave this room. right now." you walked over to ojo and asked to borrow her ipad as guppy spoke. "why?" missy didnt take her time to continue. "because the aliens know where we are, and they're coming for us next." you handed missy the ipad just as wildcard scoffed "how could you possibly know that?" you and missy both walked to the front of the room. you crossed your arms as missy explained. "ojo drew these. facemaker standing on top of the floating chairs, noodles smashing the exercise ball..." you shook your head and shrugged as you waited for it to click into someones mind. "she draws what she sees, big deal." you smirked and took the ipad from your sister, looking back at wildcard "she drew these things five minutes before they happened. ojos super power isnt that she can draw," you resumed "she can draw the future." you smirked at your sisters smart thinking and looked back at wildcard again. "okay, cool. good for ojo. whats your point?" you smiled down at the ipad "glad you asked, pretty boy." swiping through the drawings, you reached the most recent one. "she also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room." missy pointed at the fan "there." wheels pulled up as you handed him the ipad "woah.." he said in amusement. "youre saying they'll be coming in through there?" you put your hand on your hip as wheels continued. "theyre right! all these drawings suddenly make perfect sense. ojo can see the future!" he said turning to the back of the room. "let me get this straight. some new girls show up, one with absolutely zero powers, and suddenly we're gonna do what they say?" a capella suddenly blurted "seems like they've got a point." you crossed your arms and raised your eyebrows. "just a moment ago, you agreed that we werent safe here." he scoffed back "we're safer in here than running around outside with you playing captain." he declared with captain in quotations. "i just want to get out of here. if anybody wants to join me, youre free to follow!" missy hissed and placed the ipad back on ojos desk as you stand next to her. "fine," wildcard began "we're getting out of here. but only because I say so, you got that?" he grumbled pointing at us. you raised your eyebrow. "well, whats the plan?" wheels requested. "granada said this place was on full lockdown. there'll be gaurds everywhere." wildcard smirked "yeah y/n, whats the plan?" his arms still crossed. you crossed your arms as well to look intimidating, straightening your posture as your sister began. "well... i figure this is kind of like making an omelet. you always start by.."

"breaking some eggs."

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