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Y/N WOKE UP to the sound of rustling on the bunk above hers. "a capella?" her raspy voice called out. the girl ontop hung her head from above, smiling at the female. "hey! have you found out when you're gonna ask wild-" y/n sighed and rolled her eyes. "no, i havent. and i wont if you keep bugging me about it!" she lifted herself off the mattress and walked towards the bathroom. "well, you have to decide soon." a capella shrugged and walked close behind y/n. "it wont matter in a couple of years anyways.." y/n picked up one of the brushes on the vanity, picking it up and combing it through her hair. "well.. maybe it will, ya'know? maybe you guys will start daaating, get marriee-" y/n stopped a capella by pinching her arm "ow!" a capella held her arm, pouting playfully. "that'll NEVER happen. hear me? never." y/n turned her head back to the mirror of the vanity, placing the brush back in place "and if it does, i owe you 500 bucks." a capella smirked and put she hand towards y/n. y/n grabbed her hand and shook it. "deal."


"you really gonna go through with that?" noodles shook his head as he tied up his shoes before standing up and looking at me. "i mean, why not? its funny and it'll show if she's loyal enough to be my friend." i put one of my favortie bracelets on before turning back to noodles. "it could work.. but what if it doesnt? what if she sees behind your little 'plan'" he said in quotations. i scoffed and put my index finger to my head "i got the brains." smirking and backing off to the door, noodles walking behind me. "alright then. whatever you say." i turned back to hime while walking up the stairs "trust me." i smiled and turned back around as we reached the top of the stairs. a capella ran up to me along with y/n. she pushed y/ns shoulder a bit as y/n cleared her throat. "hey.." this is when i could put my plan into action. i crossed my arms and rolled my eyes walking over to missy.



i crossed my arms, looking over at a capella. she was obviously upset for me. she put her hand on my shoulder and leaded me outside towards the training area. "okay, mijos. today.. you're training to control your powers, against eachother." she smiled at me, turning back around. "groups are— noodles and facemaker, wheels and guppy, slo-mo and a capella, missy and wildcard, and..." my grandma looked over at me and ojo, smiling and nodding "y/n and ojo." i smiled at ojo, which she returned. you both took your places on the mat as you waited for the call to begin. "we switch every round. GO." ojo just kind of looked at me and placed her ipad down and got into stance.

time skip lol

it was now you and noodles against eachother. both of you on separate sides of eachother. "so, what do you think of wildcard." i just shrugged and began lifting him with my powers, quirking my eyebrow "woAH-" he balanced himself in the air, looking down at me. "you know— you can just tell me if theres anything you wanna say." i sighed out and dropped him, standing back. "alright. maybe i do wanna be his friend. maybe mor-" noodles eyes widened "like girlfriend?-" i slapped his shoulder and shook my head "like— bestfriends." noodles nodded slowly before the whistle rang again, meaning it was you and wildcard next. you positioned yourself as you looked up at him, pulling his hand from his pocket "ill go easy on you, yeah?" i just rolled my eyes as i stood back up into my regular position and sighed, walking up to him. looking straight into his eyes, i swept him off his feet and backed up. before hitting the ground, i concentrated my powers to lift him back up into the same position he was before. "still wanna go easy on me?" i advised, rasing my eyebrows. he scoffed and sat back down on the tree as i came up and sat next to him. "whats your problem with me? like.. what happened when i first came that made you hate me so much?" wildcard put his back to the bark of the tree, crossing his arms. "uhm.. i always do that. it takes a while for me to warm up, okay?" i just nodded and stood up, looking down on him "if you ever do wanna be my friend, my mind wont change." smiling down at him, i walked back over to miss to discuss what to do next since we were only going to sleep at grandmas house for one night.

y/n and her friends walked down the dark cave, ojos ipad light shining infront of the children. y/n was careful not the step on anything that could potentially hurt her. "theres the end, come on." she pulled guppy who was a bit behind her, placing her on the rock at the end of it. missy pulled wildcard and y/n aside to explain the plan. "the plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" wildcard asked, glaring at missy. y/n rolled her eyes snd whispered a more detailed explanation into his ear. "oh.. holy-" he looked back at guppy then the ipad, scrolling through the drawings. "i mean, yes, very interesting. uh-huh. okay, makes sense. yep. okay. wow, thats reslly smart." he yanked the ipad away from missys hand and turned to everyone before beginning to speak. "okay, everyone, missy, y/n and i figured out a way for us to do this. check it out." he held the ipad facing foward, showing everyone the latest drawing ojo made "ojo drew us a clue. a supply ship." as ojo was getting praised, a capella spoke up "so.. what does that mean?" y/n smiled and took the ipad from wildcard, glaring at him. "it means there's probably one nearby. that we'll sneak on board and pilot up to the mother ship." y/n finished and handed the ipad back to ojo as wheels began "thats actually a good idea no matter who thought of it." y/n smirked and placed her hand on her chest, "thank you." her and wildcard said at the same time exchanging glares.

"cmon. its time we show these aliens what's what."

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