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a/n; this chapter is heavily inspired by @calprnia. please go check out their wildcard book loverboy :))

3rd person pov

y/n shifted around under the hot blanket, trying to feel for her surroundings. with a rough breathe in, she sat up and looked around. a wet towel fell on her lap as she picked it up and threw it out. "guess i had passed out for a while.." she turned to the window in the bedroom, noticing it was already dark out. "hm." walking out of the room, y/n crept upstairs to the dining room to see all of her friends were preparing to eat dinner. "i see youre finally up, mi amor." y/ns grandma pecked her forehead as she nodded and turning around to go sit with fast foward and a capella by the bean bags. once y/n sat, the girls next to her started giggling and whispering to eachother "what are we talking about?" y/n propped herself up and quirked her eyebrow, tilting her head. a capella smirked and moved her hair out of the way, coming closer to whipser in y/ns ear. "uhuh.. yeah.. okay.. what? oh. yeah, yeah. what?!" y/n stopped to think for a second before turning back to the girls "really?" y/n seemed almost excited as the corners of her mouth formed into a smile. "he did?" she asked and looked towards wildcard who was talking with noodles and wheels.

wildcards pov;

"dude, she doesnt hate hate you. obviously you just started on the wrong foot. i mean you did roll your eyes at her when you first met." face maker whispered to me, trying to convince me to make well with y/n. "yeah? well she rolled her eyes back! only i do that to people." i addressed as i sat back in my chair and crossed my arms, trying to look as annoyed as possible.
"well she probably wants to start over and be frie-" facemaker paused as he was called over by a capella "facemaker!!" she said waving towards him. "great. now i bet theyre gonna tell you she hates me." facemaker just rolled his eyes and stood up as fast foward came over and took his place. "hey fast foward." wheels greeted as i just sat there is silence. she smiled and waved but immediately put her attention on me. "hey wildcard?" my eyes darted to her as i glared, arms still crossed as she continued "you and y/n should try and be friends. shes interested?" fast foward advised. i scoffed but thought about it for a second. "ill think about it." fastfoward flashed a smile and nodded, walking back to her spot as face maker came back "dude, best news! she said shes willing to be your friend as long as youre willing to be hers!" i sat there for a second, before smirking and leaning into his ear "uhuh.. okay. yeah. alright." i sat back as he flashed a thumbs up. basically, id just pretend i hated her for another few days and if she still wants to be my friend, i will let her.
"dinners ready mijos!"

after dinner, me and noodles were sat on the floor of the boys bedroom as wheels and facemaker were getting ready for bed. "dude, did you not see how y/n was looking at you?" i scoffed and turned my head towards the lightskin boy "yeah, sure." he widened his eyes and punched my shoulder, which i reacted by holding it. "missy told me y/n was happy you took her back to her room!" i raised an eyebrow, suspicious as to why everyone was so interested in me and y/n being friends. "why do you guys care so much?" noodles stretched his arm over to the other side of the room, picking up a pencil and paper "obviously she wants to be friends. thats what everyone is here! we're friends, not enemies wildcard." noodles drew a resembling picture as to when you were hitting the tentacles to prevent it from hurting wildcard anymore. "did you not see how fast she reacted to saving you from those tentacles?" he handed the paper to me as i scanned it carefully. "she cares man. you started off on the wrong foot. you have to make it better." he was very convincing, but im sticking with the plan i had before. "im just gonna wait and if she still wants to be my friend after these other fews days, ill consider it." i shrugged and stood up, pushing my hand towards noodles to help him. "alright, whatever you say. night." we parted our ways as we walked to our own bedrooms.

3rd person pov;

"so?" y/n turned her head to a capella "sO?" she replied back in a mocking tone. a capella sighed and rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "have you decided when youre gonna ask wildcard to be friends?" y/n just laughed it off and shook her head, putting her attention back onto the movie they were watching. a capella slapped y/ns leg with her mouth open "you already know, dont you?!" y/n sighed and nodded "i mean yeah, i guess. but its not like im gonna beg him to be my friend." fast foward smirked and raised her eyebrow "you sure you dont just, like him." y/ns jaw dropped as she softly punched fastfoward "no! never." i rolled my eyes and sat back down on my bed "we met just yesterday, theres no way im able to like someone that fast." a capella and fast foward looked at eachother "mmmhmm.." a capella said before shutting the tv off and climbing up the bunk "good nighttt" she vocalized.

as you set yourself into your bed, you did begun to think about it. did you like him? or was this all just a fever dream. the way he looks at you.. you couldnt help but cover your face with the pillow behind your head to hide the embarrassment spreading across your cheeks. maybe you did like him. but there wasnt time for liking people. more time for training and for saving people. love will have to wait.

.. or maybe..

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