f o u r .

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3rd person pov;

you sighed and rolled your eyes, agreeing to his plan. missy turned her head towards a capella in a timely matter. "a capella? you made furniture float. can you do the same with people?" a capella nodded in agreement, placing her hands by her sides "to go up high, i need to sing really lowwwwww..." the guards around them rose from their spots and formed a staircase for the children. wildcard moved towards the first guy and motioned for everyone to come. "climb as fast as you can!" he yelled, pulling himself up the human-made staircase. as you moved behind wildcard slowly, making sure to not slip off, you gripped the guards shirts as you made your way to the hatch. "noodles!" you called the boy for his attention "open the hatch!" using his other free hand, noodles swept his hand over and opened the hatch up. wildcard pushed himself up, turning around to grab your hand. "do you not hate me now or something?" you stood on the last guys back as he bent down and grabbed your arm, pulling you up by force. "GEEZ i was gonna give you my hand anyways!"

you pushed yourself up the rest of the way then helped rewind and fast foward up before you and wildcard made your way to the tram. "noodles, access cards!" he stretched his arm out and swiped the card, revealing the inside of then tram. you sat down right next to noodles, exhausted. all the heavy breathing in the tram just made you feel tired, but you kept yourself awake as missy celebrated the victory. "but the tram will only take us to just outside of the force field! then they'll catch us for sure.." you stood up and walked to the front window, staring in horror as you watched some guards block the exit. "theyre already mobilizing! brace yourselves!" you sat back down and held onto a pole near you. you scanned the tram and realized guppy wasnt holding onto anything "guppy, you too." the younger glared back at you, slamming her palm on the pole. "i said to brace, not break-" in the middle of your sentence, wildcard turned over to a capella. "a capella, make us fly!" a capella stood herself up and got into her stance, vocalizing a low note. as the tram shook side to side, you got knocked back into your seat. "deserved that-" when you looked out the window, you saw you were already above the ground. "yes, a capella!" you noticed she was making a sign with her hands, almost saying she couldnt steer. your eyes widened and you looked back at missy. "she cant steer! we're gonna crash into that building!" you stood by the front window as wheels continued. "we need to change directions!" you looked back at noodles "noodles?" he nodded "im on it!" stretching his arm into a knot, he punched through the glass of the tram and held onto a near by pole. he launched himself out and grabbed onto the other nearest pole. you realized his fingers were slipping so you, facemaker, fast foward, rewind and wildcard held onto his the pole he was using to help him out. somehow, his hand slipped and made its way to the broken window. your eyes widened again as you ran over to hold him down as he finished changing directions. rewind gave noodles a thumbs up before he let go of the pole outside and swung himself back in.

you sat by missy, trying to regain your strength from holding onto the boys arm for so long. "well." wildcard spoke looking obviously annoyed. "that was a disaster." you raised an eyebrow as rewind came back "that was awesome!" you laughed with the short breath you had, before laying yourself back. "im so exhausted" in the middle of their bickering, the tram started to become uneasy. "guys- im running- out of-" you stopped her before she could continue "breath! we get it!" you stood up and closed your eyes, clinging onto the closest pole there was. "a capella, sit. i got this." you opened your eyes and the tram became steady again. you couldnt speak during it, so all the questions made it hard.

"she cant talk while shes doing it, everyone shut up! y/n, land at abuelitas house!" you nodded and walked to the front of the tram and turned to your sister, motioning for her to hold onto something. "hold onto something, we're dipping!" you let your hands fall beside you as the tram dipped. fast foward held onto you to help you stay steady. landing right into your grandmas flower bed. you stood yourself up and walked towards the exit of the tram, waving towards your grandma. "hey.. grandma!" you struggled walking over to her, but once you made it you collapsed in her arms. "mi hija!" your grandma held you carefully "did she use her powers to the max?!" wildcard walked up "to land us safely yeah.." your grandma glared at the boy "since you seem like the toughest one, carry her on your back." wildcards eyes widened as he protested "no way! im not carrying her on my ba-" your grandma gave him a death stare as he sighed and bent down to pick you up "good boy." your grandma smiled as you were placed on his back.

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