s e v e n .

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AS THE CHILDREN ran throught the grassy field, wildcard stopped y/n and bent down behind a rock, staring at the supply ship. "look, theres the supply ship! just like in ojos drawing!" as the purple tentacle moved back into the bush, the kids plastered a face of disgust, reacting in the same way. "ew. gross!" y/n put her finger to her lip and looked over at wildcard "keep it down." looking back towards the ship, missy began counting. "wait.. wait a second.. lets go!" as all the children ran across the grass and onto the ship, wheels placed himself onto the control seat, counting everyone. "wheels, can you—" he shook his head, looking back at missy "no! we're not all here!" y/n groaned and looked around as fast foward blurted "what? whos missing?!" all the children looked towards the opening of the door as slo mo ran. "slo mo, cut it out, run!" y/n turned towards the bushes the tentacles came out of as they reacted to slo mo. "hurry, theyre coming back!" guppy said in a worried tone. "ten to one says hes tentacled." y/n slapped face makers shoulder "dude!" all the children tried their best to speak encouraging words to slo mo, though it didnt help at all. "alright, hold me down!" noodles sat on one of the arms of the chair as facemaker and wheels held onto him. noodles stretched his arm out and grabbed slo mo, pulling him in with the rest. "you okay?" y/n looked at the boy who nodded in slow motion. "close the door, hurry!" wheels flipped the switch and the doors shut.

"wheels, tell me you figured this out!" missy yelled out in fear as wheels turned around around to look at the buttons. "it's incredibly intuitive." he said pressing one of the buttons. a purple force field spread across the outside of the ship, causing it to shake. all of the kids held onto something for support as the ship shook. "just press any button!" y/n yelled holding onto one the wall. wheels pressed a blue button and the force field stopped and everyone regained the ability to stand still. the purple tentacles nearly shattered the glass as everyone screamed. guppy ran up to the buttons and pushed the red button, the ship plunging into the air. y/n closed her eyes and shook her head as she sat in the corner "what- whats wrong?" wildcard walked up to girl "im deathly afraid of heights." wildcard tilted his head and sat next to her. "you can lay your head on my shoulder for a little i guess." y/n lifted her head and hesitated but layed her head down on his shoulder.

"but now what?" noodles looked back at missy. she smilee and looked towards ojo nervously. "dont worry! any minute now, ojo's gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging our parents. isnt that right, ojo?" the shorter girl kept her ipad close snd shook her head making everyone groand "oh, thats just great." noodles complained and turned back around.

once the ship landed, a small hole opened by the door and noodles stepped infront of it "i'll check it out." he stretched his head out and loled through as all the other kids stood back and waited. noodles stretched himself back to his body and turned back to everyone "we're all good!" he said in a whisper.

"lets get our parents then."


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