The door opened up revealing a somewhat run down messy base kept together with different parts of ships welded together and duct tape
"Wow" awed Connell with sparkles in his eyes "yeah, it's not much be we survive" said Kenny "yeah how do we survive here on......" asked Connell "Quo, QU-OH" said Samwell "yeah that. also why do you guys wear the armor outside the base?" said Connell "we don't need to" "what? why?" pegged Connell "pick up your armor and follow me" Samwell said while walking into the middle of the room "this is the main room okay? control room, it has lockers to put your armor and guns and a ladder for the upper levels. this" Samwell said as he tapped a huge metallic cannister "is our air generator thingy. it lets us breathe without wearing the armor. you'll learn how it works and repair it if ever broken" "whaaaaaaaaat really?" whined Connell "yes even Kenny knows a little bit" said Samwell "really?" asked Connell as Kenny flashed him a glare "okay" "so did you build this base?" Samwell looked at Kenny as if to ask you or me? which Kenny responded from the ladder "good guess, but actually no. this used to be a prison for The Empire" "really? it doesn't look that old and rundown" "who do you think repairs and refurbishes it?" "ohhhhh so what else is in here?" asked Connell "and where is Kenny going?" "I'm going outside on guard duty" stated Kenny putting on the Stormtrooper armor "yeah we also have to do that" said Samwell "let's continue the tour" as he started climbing up the ladder.
"the workshop, gun storage, kitchen, med bay-" as "is that a droid?" "she isn't ready yet." Samwell said in a slightly embarrassed way "she? what is she missing?" "that's a Droid Of Caretaking V.4 or D.O.C4 she's missing a power converter and an empathy core. there are the bathrooms, my room, Kenny's room, your room and that is the entirety of The Prometheus" "wow! this place is even more amazing than I thought!" Connell cheered as Samwell gave a prideful nod to that. "it took a long time to get it this way and we plan on keeping it that way" Samwell said giving a look at Connell.
Suddenly, The Prometheus started shaking somewhat violently Samwell started to put on his armor in a somewhat fast "what's happening?" questioned Connell "rebel attack! put on your armor get outside and help out Kenny!" yelled Samwell "why-" "if you don't put them in two minutes you'll be dead!" as Connell started to put on his armor franticly "wait, will you do?" "any repairs if needed! go!" "which one is the door to outside?" "the one above the ladder!" as soon as he heard that Connell started climbing up the ladder to the 3rd floor of The Prometheus. he saw another door with an airlock and pushed the button. when the airlock was open Connell took a deep breath said a quick "here I go" and stepped outside the airlock and into Quo.
Samwell "Welcome to The Prometheus. please donate to the repair fund of The Prometheus. we need it really bad right now"

Stormtrooper(A Star Wars Story)
FanficThis is the misadventure of the brave heroic Stormtroopers (and Droid) of The First Order who protected their base on the planet Quo from The Rebels. Inspired by Troopers by CollegeHumor and Red vs. Blue...