Chapter 13

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I've got time on my hands (I should be writing in a different Pernico story I hope to post soon though) But chapter 13 is here I guess. AND THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER. I swear. Ive already said like the last two were the final chapters but i mean it this time okay?? I really do! I swear!

•Percys Pov•

"Percy! Man come here, I gotta talk to you for a second" My head turned as Frank called to me. He looked nervous, what was this about?

"Yeah okay. What's up Frank?" I was just on my way to lunch, but I stopped as Frank called to me from the outside of his cabin.

"Uh well, remember last week when Hazel through her little fit about you and Nico being... in a gay relationship? I'm sorry about all that, but I talked some sense into her. She's inside, and wants to apologize"

Oh. That.

"Oh, yeah well really I think it's Nico she needs to talk to. They are related and all. Okay well thanks man" I smiled at him, everyone was off about me and Nicos new status. It was hushed, though not by the Aphrodite cabin. It was all they talked about, we were their new 'hot spot' for gossip apparently.

I opened the Ares cabin dark brown door, peering inside Hazel sat chewing on her lip.

"Hey" I greeted, walking towards her. I was kind of nervous myself, I've never been in a situation like this. But I have fought monsters without this much anxiety. I wanted to laugh, it really was stupid how I could kill monsters with complete confidence in myself but touchy feely girl moments tripped me up.

"Hey..." Hazel looked up at me, her smooth brown eyes looking at mine. "I'm really sorry about last week... I didn't mean it" She looked back down, fiddling with the long sleeves on her top. Pulling them down over her hands. "It's just I grew up in a different time. Being gay wasn't okay. If you were open about your different sexuality then people would frown upon not just you but your family as well. I just didn't want that to be Nico I guess..."

"Yeah but you have to understand that it's okay now. Some people might still not completely enjoy the fact that someone else is gay- but a lot of them are or they accept people of different sexuality's. I love your brother-" and he loves me and that's what matters"

"Yeah, I know. And just... be good to him would you? And if you hurt him, well you wont live another day!" A cheeky grin plastered on her face.

"Theres the Hazel we all know and love. And dont worry, I wont. Promise." And it was a promise I intended to keep, for well, forever.


If any of you have a posted story you would like me to read or check out I would be happy to! You all read my story so I would be happy to read yours.

Okay bye~

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